BMCR 2025.02.01

Books received January 2025

BMCR 2025.02.02

La democrazia ateniese in età moderna e contemporanea

Ugo Fantasia, Luca Iori  / Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2023

Reviewed by Carlo Franco

BMCR 2025.02.03

Komische Bilder: Bezugsrahmen und narratives Potenzial unteritalischer Komödienvasen

Elisabeth Günther  / Harrassowitz Verlag, 2022

Reviewed by Alexa Piqueux

BMCR 2025.02.04

Der archaische Heiligtumsbefund vom Taxiarchis-Hügel in Didyma. Teilband 1: Grabungsstratigraphie, archäologischer Kontext und topographische Einbindung

Helga Bumke  / Harrassowitz Verlag, 2023

Reviewed by Udo Schlotzhauer

BMCR 2025.02.05

LRCW 6: late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean: archaeology and archaeometry. Land and sea: pottery routes

Valentina Caminneci, Enrico Giannitrapani, Maria Concetta Parello, Maria Serena Rizzo  / Archaeopress, 2023

Reviewed by Elli-Evangelia Bia

BMCR 2025.02.06

The Oxford handbook of Palmyra

Rubina Raja  / Oxford University Press, 2024

Reviewed by Marco Ferrario

BMCR 2025.02.07

Classical controversies: reception of Graeco-Roman antiquity in the twenty-first century

Kim Beerden, Timo Epping  / Sidestone Press, 2022

Reviewed by Han Lamers

BMCR 2025.02.08

The nourisher of Apollo: Miletos from Xerxes to Diocletian

Krzysztof Nawotka  / Harrassowitz Verlag, 2023

Reviewed by Nicolò Masturzo

BMCR 2025.02.09

The Routledge handbook of Jews and Judaism in late antiquity

Catherine Hezser  / Routledge, 2024

Reviewed by Elsa Laurenzi

BMCR 2025.02.10

Valerius Flaccus and imperial Latin epic

Tim Stover  / Oxford University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Madeline Thayer

BMCR 2025.02.11

Voiceless, invisible, and countless in ancient Greece: the experience of subordinates, 700-300 BCE

Samuel D. Gartland, David W. Tandy  / Oxford University Press, 2024

Reviewed by Samuel Ortencio Flores

BMCR 2025.02.12

Thukydides second-hand bei Flavius Josephus: zur Rezeption thukydideischer Motive im Bellum Judaicum

Vassiliki Pothou  / Brill, 2023

Reviewed by Omar El Manfalouty

BMCR 2025.02.13

Representations of writing materials on Roman funerary monuments: text, image, message

Tibor Grüll  / Archaeopress, 2023

Reviewed by Elizabeth C. Robinson

BMCR 2025.02.14

Presocratici. Vol. I: sentieri di sapienza attraverso la Ionia e oltre da Talete e Eraclito

M. Laura Gemelli-Marciano  / Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, 2023

Reviewed by Lorenzo Perilli

BMCR 2025.02.15

I Graeca nel De Vita Caesarum di Suetonio. La tradizione Medievale

Antonio Rollo  / Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, 2023

Reviewed by Jacopo Khalil

BMCR 2025.02.16

Le dieu, le mouvement, la matière: Atticus et ses critiques dans l’Antiquité tardive

Alexandra Michalewski  / Les Belles Lettres, 2024

Reviewed by Gretchen Reydams-Schils

BMCR 2025.02.17

The Roman imperial court in the Principate and late antiquity

Caillan Davenport, Meaghan McEvoy  / Oxford University Press, 2024

Reviewed by David Woods

BMCR 2025.02.18

Disability and healing in Greek and Roman myth

Christian Laes  / Cambridge University Press, 2024

Reviewed by Alyce R. Cannon

BMCR 2025.02.19

Querns and mills in Mediterranean antiquity. Tradition and innovation during the first millennium BC

Natàlia Alonso, T. J. Anderson, Luc Jaccottey  / Ausonius Éditions, 2023

Reviewed by Jared T. Benton

BMCR 2025.02.20

Aristide ‘le Juste’. L’art et la manière de fabriquer un héros dans la cité démocratique

Patrice Brun  / Ausonius Éditions, 2023

Reviewed by Erich Merkel