Year: 1995
1995.01.01, Figueira, Excursions in Epichoric History
Thomas J. Figueira / Rowman & Littlefield, 1993
BMCR 1995.01.021995.01.02, Ginouves et al. (eds.), Macedonia from Philip II to the Roman Conquest
/ Princeton University Press, 1994
BMCR 1995.01.031995.01.03, Goodman, Mission and Conversion
Martin Goodman / Clarendon Press, 1994
BMCR 1995.01.041995.01.04, Hedreen, Silens in Attic Black-Figure Painting
Guy Michael Hedreen / University of Michigan Press, 1992
BMCR 1995.01.051995.01.05, Klingshirn, Caesarius of Arles
William E. Klingshirn / Cambridge University Press, 1994
BMCR 1995.01.061995.01.06, Inwood and Gerson, The Epicurus Reader
Epicurus., Brad Inwood, Lloyd P. Gerson / Hackett, 1994
BMCR 1995.01.071995.01.07, Lee, Propertius: The Poems
Sextus Propertius, Guy (Arthur Guy) Lee / Clarendon Press, 1994
BMCR 1995.01.08Euripides’ Electra
Euripides / Oxford University Press, 1994
BMCR 1995.01.091995.01.09, Atlas of Classical History
Michael Grant / Oxford University Press, 1994
BMCR 1995.01.10Biographical Dictionary of North American Classicists
Ward Briggs / Greenwood Press, 1994
BMCR 1995.01.11Creative Selectivity in Apollonius’ “Argonautica” and Apollonius’ “Argonautica”
Steven Jackson / Hakkert, 1993 Steven Jackson, Mary DeForest / Brill, 1994
BMCR 1995.02.011995.02.01, Books Received (January 1995)
BMCR 1995.02.021995.02.02, Mitchell, Anatolia: Land, Men, and Gods in Asia Minor
Stephen Mitchell / Clarendon Press, 1993
BMCR 1995.02.031995.02.03, Momigliano, Studies in Modern Scholarship, ed. G. W. Bowersock and T. J. Cornell
Arnaldo Momigliano, G. W. (Glen Warren) Bowersock, Tim Cornell / University of California Press, 1994
BMCR 1995.02.041995.02.04, O’Brien, Transformation of Hera
Joan V. O'Brien / Rowman & Littlefield, 1993
BMCR 1995.02.051995.02.05, Rehm, Marriage to Death
Rush Rehm / Princeton University Press, 1994
BMCR 1995.02.06Greek sculpture in the Art Museum, Princeton University
Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway, Jon M. Berkin / The Museum, 1994
BMCR 1995.02.071995.02.07, L. Robert (ed.), Le martyre de Pionios, pretre de Smyrne
Louis Robert, G. W. (Glen Warren) Bowersock, C. P. (Christopher Prestige) Jones, André Vaillant / Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1994
BMCR 1995.02.081995.02.08, Roberts, Athens on Trial
Jennifer Tolbert Roberts / Princeton University Press, 1994
BMCR 1995.02.091995.02.09, Stewart, Faces of Power
Andrew F. Stewart / University of California Press, 1993