BMCR 2025.02.01

Books received January 2025

This list contains all notifications of new books received in January 2025 by BMCR; some books listed here may already have been assigned to reviewers. To volunteer to review a book, please visit this page, where you will find a complete list of books available for review, including those still available from the previous few months. Please allow at least a couple of weeks for us to reply to your request.


Auffret, Thomas, Jonathan Barnes, Marwan Rashed. Alexander of Aphrodisias, “On the Conversion of Propositions”. Scientia Graeco-Arabica, 38. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. 362. ISBN 9783110999570.

Augoustakis, Antony, Stavros Frangoulidis, Thea S. Thorsen. Classical enrichment: Greek and Latin literature and its reception. Trends in classics – supplementary volumes, 176. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. xxiv, 467. ISBN 9783111576848.

Bailliot, Magali. L’iconographie des tablettes de malédiction: envoûter et dessiner dans l’antiquité gréco-romaine. BAR international series. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2024. Pp. xiii, 125. ISBN 9781407361833.

Buono, Alessandro, Anna Anguissola, Gianluca Miniaci. Forsaken relics: practices and rituals of appropriating abandoned artifacts from antiquity to modern times. Multidisciplinary approaches to ancient societies (MAtAS). Oxford: Oxbow, 2024. Pp. 240. ISBN 9798888571149.

Candy, Peter. Ancient maritime loan contracts. Law and society in the ancient world. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2025. Pp. 256. ISBN 9780472133550.

Cordovana, Orietta Dora. Environmental thought in the Graeco-Roman world: ‘ecological’ sensitivity, ‘sustainable’ behaviour and ‘biodiversity’. A historical perspective. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. xvii, 281. ISBN 9783111152042.

Coulié, Anne, Sandrine Dubel, Cécile Jubier-Galinier, François Lissarrague. L’univers du vase grec au Musée du Louvre: potiers, peintres et poètes de la Grèce antique. Paris: Louvre éditions; Mare & Martin, 2023. Pp. 247. ISBN 9782362220814.

Cover, Michael, Lutz Doering. Philo of Alexandria and philosophical discourse. Ioudaioi, 14. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2024. Pp. 397. ISBN 9783525500972.

Dalbera, Joseph. Les Métamorphoses d’Apulée à travers les lieux et les âges. Réceptions, réécritures, héritages. Rencontres, 644. Littérature générale et comparée, 41. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2024. Pp. 314. ISBN 9782406174219.

De Brasi, Diego, Amphilochios Papathomas, Theofanis Tsiampokalos. Fake news in ancient Greece: forms and functions of ‘false information’ in ancient Greek literature. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. ix, 406. ISBN 9783111392424.

Del Corso, Lucio, Antonio Ricciardetto. Greek culture in Hellenistic Egypt: persistence and evolutions. Trends in classics – supplementary volumes, 169. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. xix, 411. ISBN 9783111334547.

Delalande, Juliette, Barthélémy Enfrein, Misel Jabin, Dimitri Mézière, Floriane Sanfilippo, Pauline Rates. Himation. Métaphores du vêtement dans l’antiquité classique et tardive. Collection PrimaLun@, 30. Pessac: Ausonius éditions, 2024. Pp. 418. ISBN 9782356133878.

Desilva, David A. Judea under Greek and Roman rule. Essentials of biblical studies. New York: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. 216. ISBN 9780190263256.

DiGiulio, Scott J. Reading miscellany in the Roman empire: Aulus Gellius and the imperial prose collection. New York: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. 344. ISBN 9780197688267.

Distler, Stefan. Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Deutschland, 112. Berlin, Antikensammlung, ehemals Antiquarium, 21: attisch schwarzfigurige Schalen. Munich: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2024. Pp. 108. ISBN 9783769637908.

Draycott, Catherine M., Scott Branting, Joseph W. Lehner, Yasemın Özarslan. From Midas to Cyrus and other stories: papers on Iron Age Anatolia in honour of Geoffrey and Françoise Summers. BIAA monographs, 57. London: British Institute at Ankara, 2023. Pp. 270. ISBN 9781912090129.

Eccleston, Sasha-Mae. Epic events: classics and the politics of time in the United States since 9/11. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2024. Pp. 264. ISBN 9780300263411.

Eschbach, Norbert. Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Deutschland, 111. Dresden, staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Skulpturensammlung, 5: attisch schwarzfigurige und weißgrundige Lekythen. München: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2024. Pp. 128. ISBN 9783769637892.

Figueira, Thomas, Rosaria Vignolo Munson. Misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda in Greek historiography. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. Pp. 288. ISBN 9781350358713.

Flohr, Miko, Arjan Zuiderhoek. A companion to cities in the Greco-Roman world. Blackwell companions to the ancient world. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2024. Pp. 624. ISBN 9781119399834.

Franks, Hallie. Ancient sculpture and twentieth-century American womanhood: Venus envy. IMAGINES – classical receptions in the visual and performing arts. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2025. Pp. 256. ISBN 9781350469860.

Gauly, Bardo M., Alexander H. Arweiler. Sprache, Stil und Text in der lateinischen Spätantike. Beiträge zur lateinischen Literatursprache. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2024. Pp. 282. ISBN 9783525302965.

García Domínguez, David, Juan García González, Federico Santangelo. Connected histories of the Roman civil wars (88-30 BCE). Roman relations, 1. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. v, 283. ISBN 9783111412894.

Gerrish, Jennifer. Julius Caesar: the Gallic War books I-II. Aris and Phillips classical texts. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2024. Pp. 240. ISBN 9781835537565.

Giamakis, Christos. Identity, power and group formation in archaic Macedonia (600-400 BC). Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2024. Pp. 235. ISBN 9789464280791.

Gish, Dustin A. Xenophon’s Socratic rhetoric: virtue, eros, and philosophy in the Symposium. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2022. Pp. 390. ISBN 9781666903164.

Goldwyn, Adam J. Homer, humanism, Holocaust: Jewish responses to the crisis of Enlightenment during World War II. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. Pp. xi, 150. ISBN 9783031114724.

Grassi, Giulia Francesca. Die semitischen Personennamen in den griechischen und lateinischen Inschriften aus Syrien und dem Libanon. Etymologischer Kommentar zu IGLS I–VII, XI, XVII/1, sowie I. Tyr I und I. Tyr II. Fontes et subsidia ad bibliam pertinentes, 13. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. x, 382. ISBN 9783111331058.

Harris, William V. Dire remedies: a social history of healthcare in classical antiquity. Trends in classics – supplementary volumes, 172. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. xx, 602. ISBN 9783111454399.

Haskell, Francis, Nicholas Penny, Adriano Aymonino, Eloisa Dodero. Taste and the antique. The lure of classical sculpture: 1500-1900. Revised and amplified edition. Turnhout: Harvey Miller Publishers, an imprint of Brepols, 2024. 3 vols, pp. 1684. ISBN 9781909400252.

Heine, Ronald E. The Philocalia of Origen: a new translation with annotations. Oxford early Christian texts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. 432. ISBN 9780198893219.

Holzberg, Niklas. Ovid: Epistulae Heroidum / Briefe mythischer Frauen. Sammlung Tusculum. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. 394. ISBN 9783111545547.

Karev, Ella. Physical descriptions, biometrics, and eikonographia in Graeco-Roman papyri from Egypt. Harvard Egyptological studies, 24. Leiden: Brill, 2025. Pp. xii, 244. ISBN 9789004544802.

Kristinsdottir, Gudrun. La Guerre civile romaine dans la tragédie française (1550-1650). Poétique et politique. Études et essais sur la Renaissance, 136. République des muses, 2. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2024. Pp. 610. ISBN 9782406173960.

Lanfranchi, Thibaud. ¿Defensores del pueblo romano? Historia del tribunado de la plebe. Libera res publica. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2024. Pp. 286. ISBN 9788413409023.

Lenfant, Dominique. Dinon de Colophon, Héraclide de Kymè: Histoires perses. Fragments, 24. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2025. Pp. xlviii, 298. ISBN 9782251456461.

Lightfoot, Jessica. Strabo. Understanding classics. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2025. Pp. 176. ISBN 9781350160958.

Madeła, Alexandra Maria. The Argonautika by Orpheus: writing pre-Homeric poetry in late antiquity. Mnemosyne supplements, 490. Leiden: Brill, 2024. Pp. viii, 263. ISBN 9789004713840.

Malamis, Daniel. The Orphic hymns: poetry and genre, with a critical text and translation. Mnemosyne supplements, 486. Leiden: Brill, 2024. Pp. x, 671. ISBN 9789004714076.

Mariat, Lora. Les savoirs de l’invisible: de la météorologie ancienne à la philosophie platonicienne. Kaïnon, 28. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2025. Pp. 318. ISBN 9782406176404.

Marquis, Émeline, Peter von Möllendorff. Brief und Macht. Pseudonyme Briefsammlungen der Antike. Millennium-Studien, 109. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2025. Pp. viii, 255. ISBN 9783111612119.

Mastrocinque, Attilio, Fiammetta Soriano, Maurizio Forte, Angelica Gabrielli. The urban history of Tarquinia based on geomagnetic surveys. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2024. Pp. xix, 130. ISBN 9781407361932.

Mayr, Christoph. Schwäche, Scheitern, Fehlverhalten. Die Darstellung von Fallibilität als Inszenierungsstrategie der Autor-persona bei Horaz, Ovid und Seneca. Classica Monacensia. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 2024. Pp. 218. ISBN 9783381129812.

McPhee, Brian. Apollonius’ Argonautica and the Homeric hymns: a study in hymnody, hero cult, and Homeric reception. Mnemosyne supplements, 489. Leiden: Brill, 2024. Pp. xiv, 441. ISBN 9789004715103.

Meneghini, Roberto. Il templum pacis: scavi e restauri recenti (1998-2019). BAR international series. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2024. Pp. 272. ISBN 9781407362137.

Mugnai, Niccolò. Tripolitania in the Roman Empire and beyond. London: British Institute for Libyan and Northern African, 2025. Pp. 226. ISBN 9781915808103.

Nastri, Carmine, Marina Polito, Angelo Meriani. Tekmeria 1. Greci in eta’ arcaica: istituzioni, interazioni, tradizioni. Atti del Convegno Dottorale Internazionale di Storia Greca. Università degli Studi di Salerno. Fisciano, 10-12 ottobre 2023. Hellenika. Milan: LED Edizioni, 2024. Pp. 218. ISBN 9788855131711.

Neuerburg, Fabia, Theofanis Tsiampokalos, Piotr Wozniczka. Fragmente einer fragmentierten Welt: zur Problematik des Umgangs mit Fragmenten in der gegenwärtigen klassisch-philologischen Forschung. Transmissions, 11. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. xii, 325. ISBN 9783111501376.

Novokhatko, Anna A. A guide to classics and cognitive studies: reviewing findings and results. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. xi, 210. ISBN 9783111576961.

Orth, Christian. Menandros: Thettale – Naukleros. Fragmenta comica, 24.5. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2024. Pp. 471. ISBN 9783911065184.

Parslow, Christopher. The Prosciutto sundial: casting light on an ancient Roman timepiece from the Villa dei Papiri in Herculaneum. New York: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. 368. ISBN 9780197749388.

Pisarello, Anna C. Cicero. Pro Archia poeta oratio: a tiered Latin reader. Williamsburg, VA: Pixelia Publishing, 2024. Pp. 207. ISBN 9781737033066.

Rossetti, Livio. Ripensare i presocratici: da Talete (anzi da Omero) a Zenone. Mimesis filosofie. Milano: Mimesis, 2023. Pp. 336. ISBN 9788857598888.

Sanchi, Luigi-Alberto. L’Antiquité selon Guillaume Budé: à l’école d’un humaniste érudit. Essais, 51. Paris: Belles lettres, 2025. Pp. 240. ISBN 9782251456584.

Sandri, Maria Giovanna. Erodiano, “Sui dichrona”: edizione critica, con altri trattati bizantini anonimi sui dichrona. Sammlung griechischer und lateinischer Grammatiker, 24. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. x, 268. ISBN 9783111484129.

Sarischouli, Panagiota. Decoding the Osirian myth: a transcultural reading of Plutarch’s narrative. Trends in classics – supplementary volumes, 163. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. xxxv, 517. ISBN 9783111435022.

Schimpf, Florian. “Naturheiligtümer” im westlichen Kleinasien. Natur in sakralen Kontexten von der Archaik bis zum Ausgang des Hellenismus. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 2024. Pp. 194. ISBN 9783752008371.

Thomas, Douglas R. Cicero’s Brutus: edition, textual commentary, and study of the transmission. Oxford classical monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2025. Pp. 368. ISBN 9780198883944.

Tomlin, Roger S. O. The Uley tablets: Roman curse tablets from the Temple of Mercury at Uley. Oxford studies in ancient documents. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. 400. ISBN 9780192888624.

Tonelli, Matilde. Lineamenti di storia di Roma. Dalle origini alla fine della Repubblica. Strumenti e sintesi, 3. Milan: LED Edizioni, 2025. Pp. 108. ISBN 9788855131629.

Tsagalis, Christos. The Homeric Doloneia: evolution and shaping of Iliad 10. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. 368. ISBN 9780192870988.

Tsagalis, Christos C. Early Greek epic fragments III. Epics on Herakles and Theseus: Panyassis’ “Herakleia” and the “Theseis”. Trends in classics – supplementary volumes, 165. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. x, 350. ISBN 9783111447278.

Tzounakas, Spyridon. The Greek words in Persius’ literary programme. Trends in classics – supplementary volumes, 170. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. vi, 262. ISBN 9783111501338.

Van Enckevort, Harry, Mark Driessen, Erik P. Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg, Tatiana Ivleva. Current approaches to Roman frontiers: proceedings of the 25th international congress of Roman frontier studies. Limes, 25.1. Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2024. Pp. 340. ISBN 9789464262766.

Van Enckevort, Harry, Mark Driessen, Erik P. Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg, Tatiana Ivleva. Strategy and structures along the Roman frontier: proceedings of the 25th international congress of Roman frontier studies. Limes, 25.2. Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2024. Pp. 390. ISBN 9789464262797.

Van Enckevort, Harry, Mark Driessen, Erik P. Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg, Tatiana Ivleva. Living and dying on the Roman frontier and beyond: proceedings of the 25th international congress of Roman frontier studies. Limes, 25.3. Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2024. Pp. 400. ISBN 9789464262827.

Van Enckevort, Harry, Mark Driessen, Erik P. Graafstal, Tom Hazenberg, Tatiana Ivleva. Supplying the Roman empire: proceedings of the 25th international congress of Roman frontier studies. Limes, 25.4. Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2024. Pp. 330. ISBN 9789464262858.

Von Ungern-Sternberg, Jürgen. Delos und Delphi. Wege und Irrwege zweier deutsch-franzosischer Inschrifteneditionen. Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum. Auctarium Series Nova. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024. Pp. vii, 157. ISBN 9783111560359.

Wright, Jessica. Psychiatry: antiquity and its legacy. Ancients and moderns. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2025. Pp. 224. ISBN 9781350215818.

Zapelloni Pavia, Arianna. Continuity and change in ancient Umbrian cult places. Mnemosyne supplements, 485. Leiden: Brill, 2024. Pp. xxiv, 326. ISBN 9789004545168.

Zarmakoupi, Mantha, Simon Richards. The Delos Symposia and Doxiadis. Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers, 2024. Pp. 503. ISBN 9783037787625.