Amnesty and reconciliation in late fifth-century Athens: the rule of law under restored democracy

Joyce, Christopher J.  /  Edinburgh University Press, 2022  /  9781399506342

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Ancient synagogues in Palestine: a re-evaluation nearly a century after Sukenik’s Schweich lectures

Magness, Jodi  /  Oxford University Press, 2024  /  9780197267653

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Art of ancient India and the Aegean: fortuitous parallels or cultural contacts?

Bhalla, A.S.  /  Archaeopress, 2024  /  9781803277615

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Cities: the future of the past. Architecture, urban planning and restoration in Iran and Italy

Asciutti, Michele,  /  L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2024  /  9788891322821

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Citifying Jesus: the making of an urban religion in the Roman empire

Urciuoli, Emiliano Rubens  /  Mohr Siebeck, 2024  /  9783161623714

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Claudio Claudiano. El consulado de Estilicón. Estudio preliminar, traducción, notas y comentario lemático

Flores Militello, Vicente  /  Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2023  /  9786073084376

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Comunicare tramite ostraca. Usi, testi e supporti dei reperti greci d’Egitto

Bernini, Andrea  /  Harrassowitz Verlag, 2024  /  9783447121620

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Das Spiel mit der Vergangenheit in der Zweiten Sophistik

Brodersen, Isidor  /  Franz Steiner Verlag, 2023  /  9783515135344

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Des noms à ceux qui les portaient: apport des données onomastiques à l’histoire des peuples d’Anatolie occidentale au tournant de l’âge du Bronze et de l’âge du Fer

Fontaine, Élise  /  Peeters, 2023  /  9789042952690

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Die Exkurse im Geschichtswerk des Prokopios von Kaisareia: Literarische Tradition und spätantike Gegenwart in klassizistischer Historiographie

Ziebuhr, Albrecht  /  Franz Steiner Verlag, 2024  /  9783515136709

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Eine “Trübung des attischen Geistes”? Ursprung, Entwicklung und Bedeutung archaischer Grabreliefs außerhalb Attikas

Balandat, Luisa  /  Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2023  /  9783896468703

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Exploring writing systems and practices in the Bronze Age Aegean

Steele, Philippa M.  /  Oxbow Books, 2023  /  9781789259018

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Fields, sherds and scholars: recording and interpreting survey ceramics

Meens, Anna,  /  Sidestone Press, 2023  /  9789464262100

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Gergovia. Caesar’s Gallic War VII 29-62

Lanier, John,  /  Pixelia Publishing, 2024  /  9781737033042

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Greek tragedy in 20th-century Italian literature: translations by Camillo Sbarbaro and Giovanna Bemporad

Paoli, Caterina  /  Bloomsbury Academic, 2024  /  9781350186163

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Greek tragedy, education, and theatre practices in the UK classics ecology

Bullen, David,  /  Routledge, 2024  /  9781032256788

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Heidegger and classical thought

Turner, Aaron  /  State University of New York Press, 2024  /  9781438499062

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Hercules performed: the hero on stage from the Enlightenment to the early twenty-first century

Stafford, Emma  /  Brill, 2024  /  9789004695757

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Herodotus: book III

Longley, Georgina  /  Bloomsbury Academic, 2024  /  9781350282803

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I trattati divinatori greci e il dinamismo della società tardoantica e bizantina: papiri, epigrafi e fonti letterarie

Costanza, Salvatore  /  Holzhausen, 2023  /  9783903207745

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Interpreting the pottery record from Geometric and Archaic sanctuaries in the northwestern Peloponnese. Proceedings of the international online symposium, November 5-6, 2020

Kerschner, Michael  /  Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2024  /  9783700191971

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Jules César, construction d’une image de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Actes du colloque, Besançon 20 et 21 octobre 2022

Mercier, Claire,  /  Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2024  /  9782385491000

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Kaisertum und Kolonat. Untersuchungen zur Agrargesetzgebung Justinians und zu ihrem Kontext

Battistella, Florian  /  Franz Steiner Verlag, 2024  /  9783515136273

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L’anomalie nécessaire. Femmes dangereuses, idéologie de la polis et gynécophobie à Athènes

Farioli, Marcella  /  Edizioni Ca'Foscari, 2024  /  9788869698262

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L’Esprit critique dans l’Antiquité II. La naissance de la théologie comme science

Boulnois, Olivier,  /  Les Belles Lettres, 2024  /  9782251455563

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La mathématisation du temps: de la science hellénistique à la science moderne

Castel, Jean-Pierre,  /  Presses de l'Université Laval, 2024  /  9782766303885

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La philosophie antique comme exercice spirituel? Un paradigme en question

Roux, Sylvain  /  Les Belles lettres, 2024  /  9782251456034

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La politica sociale per l’infazia romana fra Augusto e Costantino dall’estemporaneità alla normazione. L’organizzazione amministrativa dei magistrati e degli addetti ai congiaria per pueri della plebe urbana

Marra, Ilaria  /  L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2024  /  9788891333582

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La théurgie et la mystagogie dans la philosophie de Proclus: statut, rôle, implications

Vachon, David  /  Presses de l'Université Laval, 2024  /  9782766303670

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Lived spaces in late antiquity

Machado, Carlos,  /  Routledge, 2024  /  9781138385306

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Making flour the German way in Roman Britain: distribution, use and deposition of imported lava quernstones and millstones

Banfield, Lindsay  /  BAR Publishing, 2023  /  9781407360812

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Marmor Numidicum. Gewinnung, Verarbeitung und Distribution eines antiken Buntmarmors

Beck, Dennis Mario  /  Reichert Verlag, 2024  /  9783752007558

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Martianus Capella et la circulation des savoirs dans l’antiquité tardive: actes du Colloque en ligne (Paris, Sorbonne Université, 8-9 avril 2021)

Guillaumin, Jean-Baptiste  /  Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2022  /  9788855113298

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Martianus Capella. De nuptiis Philologiae. Vol. 5, Liber VI: De Geometria

Lucio Cristante, Lucio Cristante,  /  Weidmann, 2023  /  9783615004588

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Martianus Capella. De nuptiis Philologiae. Vol. IV, Liber V: De Rhetorica

Cavarzere, Alberto  /  Weidmann, 2024  /  9783615004700

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Medea’s long shadow in postcolonial contexts

Prata, Ana Filipa,  /  Routledge, 2024  /  9781032261119

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Mediterranean connections: how the sea links people and transforms identities

Schmidt, Laura C.,  /  Sidestone Press, 2023  /  9789464270709

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Modern Hungarian culture and the classics

Hajdu, Péter  /  Bloomsbury Academic, 2024  /  9781350258129

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Mystik und Allegorese

Männlein, Irmgard  /  Franz Steiner Verlag, 2024  /  9783515135177

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Oriental mirages: stereotypes and identity creation in the ancient world

Forsén, Björn,  /  Franz Steiner Verlag, 2024  /  9783515136723

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Ovid. Heroides

Lombardo, Stanley,  /  Hackett, 2024  /  9781647921897

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Ovide moralisé. Livre I

Deleville, Prunelle,  /  Classiques Garnier, 2024  /  9782406172642

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Plato’s Gorgias: speech, soul and politics

Machek, David,  /  Brill, 2024  /  9789004699052

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Platons Philosophie der Zahlen. Eine systematische Rekonstruktion anhand der Dialoge Platons und der Pragmatien des Aristoteles

Vogel, Moritz  /  Academia, 2024  /  9783985721849

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Plutarch and rhetoric: the relationship of rhetoric to ethics, politics and education in the first and second centuries AD

Tsiampokalos, Theofanis  /  Leuven University Press, 2024  /  9789462704190

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Pratiques cultuelles et dynamiques religieuses entre le Pont-Euxin et la mer Égée dans l’Antiquité

Lungu, Vasilica,  /  Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei "Carol I", 2022  /  9786066544962

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Proclus’ On the Hieratic Art According to the Greeks. Critical edition with translation and commentary

Pachoumi, Eleni  /  Leiden, 2024  /  9789004697546

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Public toilets (foricae) and sanitation in the ancient Roman world: case studies in Greece and North Africa

Merletto, Antonella Patricia  /  BAR Publishing, 2023  /  9781407360454

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Reconstruire Rome: la restauration comme politique urbaine de l’antiquité à nos jours

Bonomo, Bruno,  /  École française de Rome, 2024  /  9782728318131

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Redefining the standards in Attic, Koine, and Atticism

Monaco, Chiara,  /  Brill, 2024  /  9789004682993

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Religiöse Geheimniskommunikation in der Mittleren und Späten Römischen Republik

Blank, Thomas  /  Franz Steiner Verlag, 2024  /  9783515133869

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Repenser l’oeuvre antique. Textes à plusieurs mains et transmission plurielle. Actes du colloque de Paris, 9 et 10 juin 2017

Danezan, Meredith,  /  Peeters, 2023  /  9789042946972

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Ricerche su Difilo di Sinope

Maggio, Alessandro  /  Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2023  /  9788855113823

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Rival praises: Ovid and the metamorphosis of the hymnic tradition

Campbell, Celia M.  /  The University of Wisconsin Press, 2024  /  9780299348748

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Selections from Petronius, The Satyrica: The Tales of Eumolpus

Freas, Debra,  /  Bloomsbury Academic, 2024  /  9781350341289

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Textiles in motion: dress for dance in the ancient world

Gouy, Audrey  /  Oxbow Books, 2023  /  9781789257984

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The cities of the plain: urbanism in ancient Western Thessaly

Rönnlund, Robin  /  Oxbow Books, 2023  /  9781789259926

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The human tragicomedy: the reception of Apuleius’ Golden Ass in the twentieth and twenty-first century

Stróżyński, Mateusz  /  Brill, 2024  /  9789004695832

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The Oxford critical guide to Homer’s Iliad

Ready, Jonathan L.  /  Oxford University Press, 2024  /  9780198869870

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The Oxford handbook of Galen

Singer, P. N.,  /  Oxford University Press, 2024  /  9780190913687

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The Routledge handbook of classics, colonialism, and postcolonial theory

Blouin, Katherine,  /  Routledge, 2024  /  9780367555481

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The spirit of Aristophanes: essays in honor of Jeffrey Henderson

Dixon, Dustin W.,  /  Edinburgh University Press, 2024  /  9781399511971

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The stuff of the gods. The material aspects of religion in ancient Greece

Haysom, Matthew,  /  Svenska Institutet i Athen, 2024  /  9789179160685

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The tiled-roof phenomenon in early Helladic Greece: evidence from Zygouries

Jazwa, Kyle A.  /  American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2024  /  9780876615553

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The tyrants of Corinth: legends of Cypselus and Periander

Ogden, Daniel  /  Routledge, 2024  /  9781032778433

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They did it first: the skills of the ancient Greeks and Romans

Kitchell, Jr., Kenneth F.  /  Bolchazy-Carducci, 2024  /  9780865168848

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Traditions du Livre des hypothèses. Ordonner et mesurer les astres de Ptolémée à al-Bīrūnī (IIe-XIe siècles)

Loizelet, Guillaume  /  Classiques Garnier, 2024  /  9782406171379

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Truth in the late Foucault: antiquity, sexuality, and psychoanalysis

Miller, Paul Allen  /  Bloomsbury Academic, 2024  /  9781350357266

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Unguentaria and related vessels in the Mediterranean from the early Hellenistic to the early Byzantine period

Laflı, Ergün,  /  BAR Publishing, 2024  /  9781407360638

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Urbanism and its impact on human health: a long-term study at Knossos, Crete

Moles, Anna C.  /  BAR Publishing, 2023  /  9781407360355

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Zeremoniell und Herrschaft in der Spätantike. Die Rituale des Kaiserhofs in Konstantinopel

Rollinger, Christian  /  Franz Steiner Verlag, 2024  /  9783515136358

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Περὶ ἐπῶν δεινὸν εἶναι. Prospettive filologico-letterarie sul Protagora di Platone

Corradi, Michele,  /  Academia, 2024  /  9783985721214

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