Year: 2005
BMCR Books Received (December)
BMCR 2005.01.02Modes of Viewing in Hellenistic Poetry and Art
G. (Graham) Zanker / University of Wisconsin Press, 2004
BMCR 2005.01.03Seianti Hanunia Tlesnasa. The Story of an Etruscan Noblewoman. The British Museum Occasional Paper Number 100
Judith Swaddling, John Prag, British Museum. / British Museum, 2002
BMCR 2005.01.04Bookrolls and Scribes in Oxyrhynchus
William A. Johnson / University of Toronto Press, 2004
BMCR 2005.01.05Catullus
Amanda Kolson Hurley / Bristol Classical Press, 2004
BMCR 2005.01.06A Journey into Platonic Politics: Plato’s Laws
Albert Keith Whitaker / University Press of America, 2004
BMCR 2005.01.07Women of Byzantium
Carolyn L. (Carolyn Loessel) Connor / Yale University Press, 2004
BMCR 2005.01.08Holford-Strevens on Elsner on Leach
BMCR 2005.01.09Stuttgarter Elektronische Studienbibel SESB
Christof Hardmeier, Eep Talstra, Alan Groves / Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2004
BMCR 2005.01.10Studi di Egittologia e di Papirologia. Rivista internazionale 1.2004
Mario Capasso / Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2004
BMCR 2005.01.11Catullus. Poems of Love and Hate
Josephine Balmer / Bloodaxe Books, 2004
BMCR 2005.01.12Roman House – Renaissance Palaces. Inventing Antiquity in Fifteenth-Century Italy
Georgia Clarke / Cambridge University Press, 2003
BMCR 2005.01.13The Narrative Voice in the Theogony of Hesiod. Mnemosyne Suppl. 255
Kathryn Stoddard / Brill, 2004
BMCR 2005.01.14Statistischer Schlüssel zum Vokabular in Vergils Eklogen, Alpha-Omega Reihe A vol. CLXXVII
Dietmar Najock / Olms-Weidmann, 2004
BMCR 2005.01.15La parola inestenguibile. Studi sull’epinicio pindarico
Donato Loscalzo / Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 2003
BMCR 2005.01.16Senecas ‘Naturales Quaestiones’. Naturphilosophie für die römische Kaiserzeit. Zetemata 122
Bardo Maria Gauly / C.H. Beck, 2004
BMCR 2005.01.17Side-by-Side Survey: Comparative Regional Studies in the Mediterranean
Susan E. Alcock, John F. Cherry / Oxbow, 2004
BMCR 2005.01.18La naissance de la ville dans l’antiquité
Michel Reddé, Laurent Dubois, Dominique Briquel, Henri Lavagne, François Queyrel, Robert Bedon Philippe Barral / De Boccard, 2003
BMCR 2005.01.19Greek Epigram in the Roman Empire: Martial’s Forgotten Rivals
Gideon Nisbet / Oxford University Press, 2003
BMCR 2005.01.20Games and Sanctuaries in Ancient Greece. Translated by David Hardy
Panos Valavanēs / J. Paul Getty Museum, 2004