BMCR 2025.01.01

Books received December 2024

BMCR 2025.01.02

Priscillian: the life and death of a Christian dissenter in late antiquity

Diego Piay Augusto  / Gorgias Press, 2024

Reviewed by Winrich Löhr

BMCR 2025.01.03

Immersion, identification, and the Iliad

Jonathan L. Ready  / Oxford University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Mar A. Rodda

BMCR 2025.01.04

The Christianization of knowledge in late antiquity: intellectual and material transformations

Mark Letteney  / Cambridge University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Christian Thrue Djurslev

BMCR 2025.01.05

Making sense of myth: conversations with Luc Brisson

Gerard Naddaf, Louis-André Dorion  / McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2024

Reviewed by Catalin Partenie

BMCR 2025.01.06

Shaping Roman landscape: ecocritical approaches to architecture and wall painting in early imperial Italy

Mantha Zarmakoupi  / J. Paul Getty Museum, 2023

Reviewed by Guy P. R. Métraux

BMCR 2025.01.07

The Cambridge history of ancient Christianity

Bruce W. Longenecker, David E. Wilhite  / Cambridge University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Timothy M. Teeter

BMCR 2025.01.08

Hephaistus on the Athenian Acropolis: current approaches to the study of artifacts made of bronze and other metals

Nassos Papalexandrou, Amy Sowder Koch  / Archaeological Institute of America, 2023

Reviewed by Helle Hochscheid

BMCR 2025.01.09

Popular culture and the end of antiquity in southern Gaul, c. 400–550

Lucy Grig  / Cambridge University Press, 2024

Reviewed by A. E. T. McLaughlin

BMCR 2025.01.10

Money, warfare and power in the ancient world: studies in honour of Matthew Freeman Trundle

Jeremy Armstrong, Arthur J. Pomeroy, David Rosenbloom  / Bloomsbury Academic, 2024

Reviewed by Michael J. Taylor

BMCR 2025.01.11

Tokens and social life in Roman imperial Italy

Clare Rowan  / Cambridge University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Summer Courts

BMCR 2025.01.12

Violence and inequality: an archaeological history

Thomas P. Leppard, Sarah C. Murray  / University Press of Colorado, 2023

Reviewed by Stefanos Gimatzidis

BMCR 2025.01.13

La Méditerranée et l’Atlantique: la réception de l’histoire des colonies grecques aux Temps modernes

Nicolas Faelli  / Presses de l'Université Laval, 2023

Reviewed by Orel Beilinson

BMCR 2025.01.14

“Il coro disvela una legge segreta.” James G. Frazer fra antropologia, studi classici e letteratura

Fabiana Dimpflmeier, Fabio Dei  / Carocci Editore, 2023

Reviewed by Massimiliano Di Fazio

BMCR 2025.01.15

Greek, Demotic and Coptic papyri and ostraca in the Leiden Papyrological Institute

Francisca A.J. Hoogendijk, Joanne Vera Stolk  / Brill, 2023

Reviewed by Michael Zellmann-Rohrer

BMCR 2025.01.16

Romans and natives in the Danubian provinces (1st-6th C. AD)

Lucrețiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Ioan Piso  / Harrassowitz Verlag, 2023

Reviewed by Amia Davis

BMCR 2025.01.17

Vice in ancient philosophy: Plato and Aristotle on moral ignorance and corruption of character

Karen Margrethe Nielsen  / Cambridge University Press, 2024

Reviewed by Jay R. Elliott

BMCR 2025.01.18

Der Rand der Welt. Die Vorstellungen der Griechen von den Grenzen der Welt in archaischer und klassischer Zeit

Daniel Fallmann  / Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2023

Reviewed by Luuk de Boer

BMCR 2025.01.19

The office of “magister militum” in the 4th century CE. A study into the impact of political and military leadership on the later Roman Empire

Christopher Bendle  / Franz Steiner Verlag, 2024

Reviewed by David Woods

BMCR 2025.01.20

Empédocle. Sur le chemin des dieux

Jean-Claude Picot  / Les Belles lettres, 2022

Reviewed by Leon Wash