BMCR 2024.08.01

Books received July 2024

BMCR 2024.08.02

The apocalypse of the birds: 1 Enoch and the Jewish revolt against Rome

Elena L. Dugan  / Edinburgh University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Tony Keddie

BMCR 2024.08.03

The Spartan scytale and developments in ancient and modern cryptography

Martine Diepenbroek  / Bloomsbury Academic, 2023

Reviewed by Bruce J. Krajewski

BMCR 2024.08.04

Ephorus of Cyme and Greek historiography

Giovanni Parmeggiani  / Cambridge University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Craige Champion

BMCR 2024.08.05

Exemplarisches Krisenwissen: Gender in Narrativ und Narration des frühen Prinzipats

Tim Helmke  / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023

Reviewed by Simon Lentzsch

BMCR 2024.08.06

Plato’s Charmides

Raphael Woolf  / Cambridge University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Peter Aronoff

BMCR 2024.08.07

Death of the Covenant Code: capital punishment in old Greek Exodus in light of Greco-Egyptian law

Joel Korytko  / Brill, 2023

Reviewed by Dries De Crom

BMCR 2024.08.08

Theocritus: space, absence, and desire

William G. Thalmann  / Oxford University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Marco Fantuzzi

BMCR 2024.08.09

Les cités grecques face à l’imperium Romanum

Clément Bady, Olga Boubounelle, Alexandre Vlamos  / Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2023

Reviewed by Alfredo Tosques

BMCR 2024.08.10

Saeculum: defining historical eras in ancient Roman thought

Paul Hay  / University of Texas Press, 2023

Reviewed by Tom Baarda

BMCR 2024.08.11

Le combat de cavalerie dans le monde romain

Maxime Petitjean  / Peeters, 2022

Reviewed by Anna Busetto

BMCR 2024.08.12

Die Konstruktion der ‘Anderen’: Barbarenbilder in den Briefen des Sidonius Apollinaris

Veronika Egetenmeyr  / Harrassowitz Verlag, 2022

Reviewed by Nikolas Hächler

BMCR 2024.08.13

Essays on Jews and Christians in late antiquity in honour of Oded Irshai

Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, Martin Goodman  / Brepols, 2023

Reviewed by Andrew S. Jacobs

BMCR 2024.08.14

Greek fire, poison arrows, and scorpion bombs: unconventional warfare in the ancient world

Adrienne Mayor  / Princeton University Press, 2022

Reviewed by C. Jacob Butera

BMCR 2024.08.15

Sulle orme dell’Iliade: riflessi dell’eroismo omerico nell’epica d’età flavia

Francesco Cannizzaro  / Società editrice fiorentina, 2023

Reviewed by Elina Pyy

BMCR 2024.08.16

Municipal freedmen and intergenerational social mobility in Roman Italy

Jeffrey A. Easton  / Brill, 2024

Reviewed by Pedro López Barja

BMCR 2024.08.17

In blood and ashes: curse tablets and binding spells in ancient Greece

Jessica L. Lamont  / Oxford University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Martin Dreher

BMCR 2024.08.18

Music: antiquity and its legacy

Eleonora Rocconi  / Bloomsbury, 2023

Reviewed by Manolis Mikrakis

BMCR 2024.08.19

Anecdotes artistiques chez Pline l’Ancien: la constitution d’un discours romain sur l’art

Valérie Naas  / Sorbonne Université Presses, 2023

Reviewed by Christopher Allen

BMCR 2024.08.20

Vergil and elegy

Alison Keith, Micah Y. Myers  / University of Toronto Press, 2023

Reviewed by Lee Fratantuono