BMCR 2024.06.01

Books received May 2024

BMCR 2024.06.02

Latin loanwords in ancient Greek: a lexicon and analysis

Eleanor Dickey  / Cambridge University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Bruno Rochette

BMCR 2024.06.03

How Plato writes: perspectives and problems

Malcolm Schofield  / Cambridge University Press, 2023

Reviewed by J. J. Mulhern

BMCR 2024.06.04

De la connaissance de soi au devenir soi: Platon, Pindare et Nietzsche

Nicolas Quérini  / Classiques Garnier, 2023

Reviewed by Michel Briand

BMCR 2024.06.05

The life worth living in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy

David Machek  / Cambridge University Press, 2023

Reviewed by A. A. Long

BMCR 2024.06.06

A culture of civil war? Bellum civile and political communication in late republican Rome

Henning Börm, Ulrich Gotter, Wolfgang Havener  / Franz Steiner Verlag, 2023

Reviewed by Pedro López Barja

BMCR 2024.06.07

Soleil et connaissance. Empédocle avant Platon

Rossella Saetta Cottone  / Les Belles Lettres, 2023

Reviewed by Simon Trépanier

BMCR 2024.06.08

Knowledge construction in late antiquity

Monika Amsler  / De Gruyter, 2023

Reviewed by Sabrina Inowlocki

BMCR 2024.06.09

Jesus, Paul, Luke-Acts, and 1 Clement: studies in class, ethnicity, gender, and orientation

David L. Balch  / Cascade Books, 2023

Reviewed by Harry O. Maier

BMCR 2024.06.10

The virtue of agency: sôphrosunê and self-constitution in classical Greece

Christopher Moore  / Oxford University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Joshua Allbright

BMCR 2024.06.11

Ancient women philosophers: recovered ideas and new perspectives

Katharine R. O'Reilly, Caterina Pellò  / Cambridge University Press, 2023

Reviewed by Vicky Roupa

BMCR 2024.06.12

Sic notus Achilles? Episches Narrativ und Intertextualität in Statius’ Achilleis

Björn Victor Sigurjónsson  / Narr Francke Attempto, 2023

Reviewed by Renée Uccellini

BMCR 2024.06.13

Historia Animalium book X: Aristotle’s endoxon, topos and dialectic on On Failure to Reproduce

Lesley Dean-Jones  / Cambridge University Press, 2023

Reviewed by David D. Leitao

BMCR 2024.06.14

God, religion and society in ancient thought: from early Greek philosophy to Augustine

Giovanni Giorgini, Elena Irrera  / Nomos, 2023

Reviewed by Federico Casella

BMCR 2024.06.15

The spear, the scroll, and the pebble: how the Greek city-state developed as a male warrior-citizen collective

Richard A. Billows  / Bloomsbury, 2023

Reviewed by Adam Schwartz

BMCR 2024.06.16

Kommentar zur Vita Alexandri Severi der Historia Augusta

André Heller  / Rudolf Habelt, 2022

Reviewed by Diederik Burgersdijk

BMCR 2024.06.17

Die Iliasglossare auf Papyrus: Unterschungen zu einer Textkategorie

Valeria Fontanella  / Brill, 2023

Reviewed by Ronald Blankenborg

BMCR 2024.06.18

“Je näher ihm, desto vortrefflicher”: eine Studie zur Übersetzungssprache und -konzeption von Johann Heinrich Voß anhand seiner frühen Werke

Enrica Fantino  / De Gruyter, 2022

Reviewed by Sotera Fornaro

BMCR 2024.06.19

Acting gods, playing heroes, and the interaction between Judaism, Christianity, and Greek drama in the early common era

Courtney J. P. Friesen  / Routledge, 2023

Reviewed by Edward Creedy

BMCR 2024.06.20

Justinian: emperor, soldier, saint

Peter Sarris  / Basic Books, 2023

Reviewed by Mischa Meier