BMCR 2020.06.01

Books Received May 2020

BMCR 2020.06.03

Killing for the Republic: citizen-soldiers and the Roman way of war

Steele Brand  / Johns Hopkins University Press, 2019

Reviewed by Fabrizio Biglino

BMCR 2020.06.04

Philosophy, poetry, and power in Aristophanes’s ‘Birds’

Daniel Holmes  / Lexington Books, 2019

Reviewed by Elena Colla

BMCR 2020.06.09

Femmes grecques de l’Orient romain

Sophie Lalanne  / Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2019

Reviewed by Aleksandra Kubiak Schneider

BMCR 2020.06.11

The battle between the frogs and the mice: a tiny homeric epic

A. E. Stallings  / Paul Dry Books, 2019

Reviewed by Jose Leonardo Sousa Buzelli

BMCR 2020.06.12

Drawing down the moon: magic in the ancient Greco-Roman world

Radcliffe G. Edmonds III  / Princeton University Press, 2019

Reviewed by Thomas Galoppin

BMCR 2020.06.14

Altsprachliche Erwachsenendidaktik in Deutschland: von den Anfängen bis zum Jahr 1945

Marc Brüssel  / Propylaeum Fachinformationsdienst Altertumswissenschaften, 2018

Reviewed by Antonia Ruppel

BMCR 2020.06.16

Screening divinity

Lisa Maurice  / Edinburgh University Press, 2019

Reviewed by Meredith Prince

BMCR 2020.06.20

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Deutschland. München, Antikensammlungen ehemals Museum Antiker Kleinkunst, Band 20: Etruskisch rotfigurige Keramik

Yasmin Olivier-Trottenberg  / Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2019

Reviewed by Vincent Jolivet

BMCR 2020.06.23

The sculptor’s workshop

Julie van Voorhis  / Reichert Verlag, 2018

Reviewed by Helle Hochscheid

BMCR 2020.06.28

Marginality, canonicity, passion

Marco Formisano, Christina Shuttleworth Kraus  / Oxford University Press, 2018

Reviewed by Giovanna Laterza

BMCR 2020.06.30

Les sons du pouvoir des autres: actes du troisième colloque SoPHiA, 27-28 mars 2014.

Antonio Gonzales, Marie Teresa Schettino  / Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2017

Reviewed by Christophe Vendries

BMCR 2020.06.32

La transmission du savoir grec en Occident: Guillaume de Moerbeke, le Laur. Plut. 87.25 (Themistius, in de an.) et la bibliotheque de Boniface VIII

Fabio Acerbi, Gudrun Vuillemin Diem  / Leuven University Press, 2019

Reviewed by Riccardo Sacceti

BMCR 2020.09.16

Poeti in Agone: Competizioni poetiche e musicali nella Grecia antica

A. Gostoli, A. Fongoni, F. Biondi  / Brepols, 2017

Reviewed by Anna Novokhatko

BMCR 2020.09.26

Visiones sobre la lactancia en la Antigüedad: permanencias, cambio y rupturas

Susana Reboreda Morillo  / Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2020

Reviewed by Ana Iriarte