BMCR 2010.06.01

BMCR Books Received (May, 2010)

BMCR 2010.06.02

L’enseignement supérieur dans les mondes antiques et médiévaux. Textes et traditions 16

Henri Huggonard-Roche  / Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2008

Reviewed by Maria Chiara Scappaticcio

BMCR 2010.06.03

Pietre viventi. I minerali nell’immaginario del mondo antico

Sonia Macrì  / UTET libreria, 2009

Reviewed by Francesco Montone

BMCR 2010.06.04

Statthalterliche Verwaltung in der römischen Kaiserzeit: Studien zum praefectus Aegypti. Historia Einzelschriften Bd. 175

Andrea Jördens  / Franz Steiner Verlag, 2009

Reviewed by Peter C. Nadig

BMCR 2010.06.05

Canon and Canonicity. The Formation and Use of Scripture

Einar Thomassen  / Museum Tusculanum Press, 2010

Reviewed by David J. DeVore

BMCR 2010.06.06

Three Political Voices from the Age of Justinian. Agapetus, Advice to the Emperor; Dialogue on Political Science; Paul the Silentiary, Description of Hagia Sophia. Translated Texts for Historians 52

Peter N. Bell  / Liverpool University Press, 2009

Reviewed by Benjamin Garstad

BMCR 2010.06.07

Realia Byzantina. Byzantinisches Archiv Bd. 22

Sofia Kotzabassi, Giannis Mavromatis  / Walter de Gruyter, 2009

Reviewed by Eleni Kaltsogianni

BMCR 2010.06.08

Koine: Mediterranean Studies in Honor of R. Ross Holloway. Joukowsky Institute Publication 1

Derek B. Counts, Anthony S. Tuck  / Oxbow Books, 2009

Reviewed by Catalin Pavel

BMCR 2010.06.09

Agoni poetico musicali nella Grecia antica. 1. Beozia. Testi e commenti, 25; Certamina musica graeca, 1

Alessandra Manieri  / Fabrizio Serra editore, 2009

Reviewed by W. J. Slater

BMCR 2010.06.10

Marcellus Empiricus: “De medicamentis.” Christliche Abhandlung über Barmherzigkeit oder abergläubische Rezeptsammlung?

Miriam Ewers  / WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009

Reviewed by Anthony Corbeill

BMCR 2010.06.11

Coroplastica con raffigurazioni musicali nella Sicilia greca (secoli vi-iii a. C.). Biblioteca di “Sicilia antiqua” 3

Angela Bellia  / Fabrizio Serra editore, 2009

Reviewed by Marcella Pisani

BMCR 2010.06.12

Apollo, Augustus, and the Poets

John F. Miller  / Cambridge University Press, 2009

Reviewed by Neil W. Bernstein

BMCR 2010.06.13

The Archaeology of Xenitia: Greek Immigration and Material Culture. The New Griffon 10

Kostis Kourelis  / The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2008

Reviewed by Amy Papalexandrou

BMCR 2010.06.14

L’antique et le contemporain: études de tradition classique et d’historiographie moderne de l’antiquité

José Antonio Dabdab Trabulsi  / Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté,

Reviewed by Charlotte Baratin

BMCR 2010.06.15

Marco Valerio Marziale: temi e forme degli epigrammi

Pietro Rapezzi  / Edizioni Helicon, 2008

Reviewed by John Henderson

BMCR 2010.06.16

Cicero XVa, Philippics 1-6; Cicero XVb, Philippics 7-14

D. R. Shackleton Bailey  / Harvard University Press, 2009 D. R. Shackleton Bailey, D.R. Shackleton Bailey  / Harvard University Press, 2009

Reviewed by François Prost

BMCR 2010.06.17

Rufus of Ephesus, On Melancholy. Sapere Bd. 12

Peter E. Pormann  / Mohr Siebeck, 2008

Reviewed by Philippe Charlier

BMCR 2010.06.18

Menanders Kolax: ein Beitrag zu Rekonstruktion und Interpretation der Komödie

Matthias Johannes Pernerstorfer  / Walter de Gruyter, 2009

Reviewed by Serena Pirrotta

BMCR 2010.06.19

Giannachi on Finglass on F. G. Giannachi (ed.), Sofocle. Edipo Re. I canti. I canti del teatro greco 3

Response by F. G. Giannachi | Original Review by P. J. Finglass

BMCR 2010.06.20

Alexander der Grosse: Leben und Legende

Alexander Demandt  / C. H. Beck, 2009

Reviewed by Jesper Carlsen