Month: July 2002
Die Unfähigkeit, sich zu erkennen: Sophokles’ Tragödien. Mnemosyne Supplementum 227
Eckard Lefèvre / Brill, 2001
BMCR 2002.07.02Herrscherideologie in der Spätantike
Frank Kolb / Akademie Verlag, 2001
BMCR 2002.07.03Civic Justice from Greek Antiquity to the Modern World
Peter Murphy / Humanity Books, 2001
BMCR 2002.07.04The Rise and Fall of the Afterlife
Jan N. Bremmer / Routledge, 2002
BMCR 2002.07.05Does Socrates Have a Method? Rethinking the Elenchus in Plato’s Dialogues and Beyond
Gary Alan Scott / Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002
BMCR 2002.07.06King of the Wood: The Sacrificial Victor in Virgil’s Aeneid
Julia Dyson Hejduk / University of Oklahoma Press, 2001
BMCR 2002.07.07Allan Ramsay and the Search for Horace’s Villa
Bernard Frischer, Iain Gordon Brown / Ashgate, 2001
BMCR 2002.07.08Philo of Larissa: The Last of the Academic Sceptics
Charles Brittain / Oxford University Press, 2001
BMCR 2002.07.09Inclinate Aurem. Oral Perspectives on Early European Verbal Culture
Jan Helldén, Minna Skafte Jensen, Thomas Pettitt, Odense universitet. Laboratorium for folkesproglig middelalderlitteratur. / Odense University Press, 2001
BMCR 2002.07.10Books Received (June 2002)
BMCR 2002.07.11L’ordine delle generazioni. Classi di età e costumi matrimonali nell’antica Sparta. Pragmateiai: Collana di studi e testi per la storia economica, sociale e amministrava del mondo antico
Marcello Lupi / Edipuglia, 2000
BMCR 2002.07.12Origines Gentium, Collection Etudes 7
Valérie Fromentin, Sophie Gotteland, Ausonius (Institute) / Diffusion, Boccard, 2001
BMCR 2002.07.13Bonfire of the Humanities: Rescuing Classics in an Impoverished Age
Victor Davis Hanson, John Heath, Bruce S. Thornton / ISI Books, 2001
BMCR 2002.07.14Greek and Roman Comedy: Translations and Interpretations of Four Representative Plays
Shawn O'Bryhim, George Fredric Franko / University of Texas Press, 2001
BMCR 2002.07.15Cavalry Operations in the Ancient Greek World
Robert E. Gaebel / University of Oklahoma Press, 2002
BMCR 2002.07.16Les Associations de Technites dionysiaques à l’époque hellénistique. Vol. 1, Corpus documentaire; vol. 2, Synthèse (= Études d’Archéologie Classique XI-XII)
Brigitte Le Guen / Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche sur l'Antiquité (Distribution: De Boccard, Paris), 2001
BMCR 2002.07.17Le rire des Grecs. Anthropologie du rire en Grèce ancienne
Marie-Laurence Desclos / Millon, 2000
BMCR 2002.07.18The Villa of Livia Ad Gallinas Albas. A Study in the Augustan Villa and Garden. Archaeologica Transatlantica XX
Jane Clark Reeder / Center for Old World Archaeology and Art, 2001
BMCR 2002.07.19Revaluing Ethics: Aristotle’s Dialectical Pedagogy
Thomas W. Smith / State University of New York Press, 2001
BMCR 2002.07.20Lo Sguardo della Verità: Cinque Studi su Seneca
Stefano Maso / Il poligrafo, 1999