Month: December 1997
Die Bildnisse der antiken Dichter, Redner und Denker, 2nd rev. and enlarged ed.
Karl Schefold, Anne-Catherine Bayard / Schwabe, 1997
BMCR 1997.12.021997.12.02, Homer, Iliad Books VIII and IX
Christopher H. Wilson / Aris and Phillips, 1996
BMCR 1997.12.03Halperin on Brennan on Brooten
BMCR 1997.12.05Books Received November 1997
BMCR 1997.12.061997.12.06, Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation
John R. (John Raymond) Bartlett / Routledge, 1997
BMCR 1997.12.071997.12.07, The Emperor Constantine
Hans A. Pohlsander / Routledge, 1996
BMCR 1997.12.081997.12.08, The Roman Empire and Its Germanic Peoples
Herwig Wolfram / University of California Press, 1997
BMCR 1997.12.091997.12.09, Pseudo-Hecataeus, “On the Jews”. Legitimizing the Jewish Diaspora. Hellenistic Culture and Society xxi
Bezalel Bar-Kochva / University of California Press, 1996
BMCR 1997.12.101997.12.10, Le corps respirant, la pensee physiologique chez Galien. Studies in Ancient Medicine, 13.
Armelle Debru / E.J. Brill, 1996
BMCR 1997.12.111997.12.11, The Religion of Socrates
Mark L. McPherran / Pennsylvania State University Press, 1996
BMCR 1997.12.121997.12.12, Plato on God as Nous
Stephen Philip Menn / Southern Illinois University Press, 1995
BMCR 1997.12.131997.12.13, Classical Closure: Reading the End in Greek and Latin Literature
Deborah H. Roberts, Francis M. Dunn, Don Fowler / Princeton University Press, 1997
BMCR 1997.12.141997.12.14, Achaemenid Studies. Historia Einzelschriften 99.
Christopher Tuplin / F. Steiner, 1996
BMCR 1997.12.151997.12.15, What is Pastoral?
Paul Alpers / University of Chicago Press, 1997
BMCR 1997.12.161997.12.16, True Names: Vergil and the Alexandrian Tradition of Etymological Wordplay
James J. O'Hara / University of Michigan Press, 1996
BMCR 1997.12.181997.12.18, Marmaria, Le Sanctuaire d’Athena a Delphes, Site et Monuments XVI.
Jean-François Bommelaer, Impr. Lavauzelle) / École française d'Athènes, 1997
BMCR 1997.12.191997.12.19, Philodemus, On Piety Part 1.
approximately 110 B.C.-approximately 40 B.C. Philodemus, Dirk Obbink / Clarendon Press, 1996