Month: October 1997
1997.10.02, Werk und Wirkung Varros im Spiegel seiner eitgenossen
Thomas Baier / F. Steiner Verlag, 1997
BMCR 1997.10.041997.10.04 RESPONSE: Roberts on Kochin on McManus
Barbara McManus / 1997
BMCR 1997.10.05The Athenian Agora Vol. XXIX: Hellenistic Pottery
Susan Rotroff / American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1997
BMCR 1997.10.061997.10.06, Interstate Arbitration in the Greek World, 337-90 B.C. Hellenistic Culture and Society, 18.
Sheila L. Ager / University of California Press, 1996
BMCR 1997.10.071997.10.07, Menander, Vol. 2. Pp. x + 501. Loeb Classical Library 459.
W.G. Arnott / Harvard University Press, 1996
BMCR 1997.10.081997.10.08, Euripides, Heracles. Warminster: Aris and Philips
Shirley A. Barlow / 1996
BMCR 1997.10.091997.10.09, Plato’s Parmenides
Mary Louise Gill, Paul Ryan / Hackett, 1996
BMCR 1997.10.101997.10.10, Three Plays by Aristophanes: Staging Women
Aristophanes., Jeffrey Henderson / Routledge, 1996
BMCR 1997.10.11Playing with Time: Ovid and the Fasti
Carole Newlands
BMCR 1997.10.121997.10.12,
Peter V. (Peter Vaughan) Jones / Duckworth, (1998 [printing])
BMCR 1997.10.131997.10.13, Down from Olympus. Archaeology and Philhellenism in Germany, 1750-1970
Suzanne L. Marchand / Princeton University Press, 1996
BMCR 1997.10.141997.10.14, Wild Beasts and Idle Humours: The Insanity Defense from Antiquity to the Present
Daniel N. Robinson / Harvard University Press, 1996
BMCR 1997.10.15La competence de l’Areopage en matiere de proces publics
Odile de Bruyn / F. Steiner, 1995
BMCR 1997.10.161997.10.16, Bion of Smyrna. The Fragments and the Adonis.
of Phlossa near Smyrna Bion, J. D. Reed / Cambridge University Press, 1997
BMCR 1997.10.171997.10.17,
Barbette Stanley Spaeth / University of Texas Press, 1996
BMCR 1997.10.181997.10.18, Athenian Democracy: Modern Mythmakers and Ancient Theorists
Arlene W. Saxonhouse / University of Notre Dame Press, 1996
BMCR 1997.10.19Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic: Empedocles and Pythagorean Tradition
Peter Kingsley / Clarendon Press, 1995