Month: June 1996
1996.6.1, Hanson, ed., Collected Papers of Naphtali Lewis
Naphtali Lewis, Ann Ellis Hanson / Scholars Press, 1995
BMCR 1996.06.021996.6.2, McCrorie, trans., The Aeneid: Vergil
Virgil., Edward McCrorie / University of Michigan Press, 1995
BMCR 1996.06.031996.6.3, Pelliccia, Mind, Body, and Speech in Homer and Pindar
Hayden Pelliccia, Hugh Lloyd-Jones / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1995
BMCR 1996.06.041996.6.4, Ritter, Hercules in der roemischen Kunst
Stefan Ritter / Verlag Archäologie und Geschichte, 1995
BMCR 1996.06.051996.06.05, Sesto Empirico: Contro gli Etici
Emidio Spinelli / Bibliopolis, 1995
BMCR 1996.06.061996.6.6, Taylor, ed., Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy XIII
C. C. W. Taylor / Oxford University Press, 1995
BMCR 1996.06.071996.6.7, Webster, Monuments Illustrating New Comedy, 3rd ed.
T.B.L. Webster / Institute of Classical Studies; University of London, 1995
BMCR 1996.06.081996.6.8, Whitehorne, ed., Cleopatras
J. E. G. (John Edwin George) Whitehorne / Routledge, 1994
BMCR 1996.06.09Books Received May 1996
BMCR 1996.06.10Anagnostika: recent books from Greece
BMCR 1996.06.11Ages of Homer
Emily Vermeule, Jane Burr Carter, Sarah P. Morris / University of Texas Press, 1995
BMCR 1996.06.121996.6.12, Cohen, Law, Violence and Community
David (David J.) Cohen / Cambridge University Press, 1995