BMCR 1996.12.01

Ovid, Heroides XVI-XXI

E. J. Kenney  / Cambridge University Press, 1996

Reviewed by Alessandro Barchiesi

BMCR 1996.12.02

Euripides, Children of Heracles, Hippolytus, Andromache, Hecuba

David Kovacs  / Harvard University Press, 1995

Reviewed by John Gibert

BMCR 1996.12.03

1996.12.03, Neapolitana. A Study of Population and Language in Graeco-Roman Naples. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 102 (1994)

Martti Leiwo  / Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, (1995 printing)

Reviewed by Ian Tompkins

BMCR 1996.12.04

1996.12.04, The Gorgon’s Severed Head: Studies of Alcestis, Electra and Phoenissae. Mnemosyne Supplement 153.

C. A. E. Luschnig  / E.J. Brill, 1995

Reviewed by Francis Dunn

BMCR 1996.12.05

1996.12.05, Polygnotos and Vase Painting in Classical Athens. Wisconsin Studies in Classics, Barbara Hughes Fowler and Warren G. Moon (1945-1992), edd.

Susan B. Matheson, Barbara Hughes Fowler, Warren G. Moon  / The University of Wisconsin Press, 1995

Reviewed by Guy Hedreen

BMCR 1996.12.06

1996.12.06, Classical Bronzes: The Art and Craft of Greek and Roman Statuary

Carol Mattusch  / Cornell University Press, 1996

Reviewed by Sean Hemingway

BMCR 1996.12.07

Anagnostika: new publications in Greece

BMCR 1996.12.08

1996.12.08, Sculptors and Physicians in Fifth-Century Greece: A Preliminary Study

Guy P. R. Métraux  / McGill-Queen's University Press, 1995

Reviewed by Mark Fullerton

BMCR 1996.12.09

Books Received November 1996

BMCR 1996.12.10

1996.12.10, Rediscovering Antiquity. Karl Weber and the Excavation of Herculaneum, Pompeii, and Stabiae

Christopher Charles Parslow  / New York, 1995

Reviewed by William Anderson

BMCR 1996.12.11

1996.12.11, Studi storico-epigrafici sul Lazio Antico. Roma: Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae vol.XV

Mika Kajava, Heikki Solin  / Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, 1996

Reviewed by Roger Wright

BMCR 1996.12.12

1996.12.12, Conversational Latin for Oral Proficiency

John C. Traupman  / Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 1996

Reviewed by Terence Tunberg

BMCR 1996.12.13

1996.12.13, Livy Book XL

P.G. Walsh  / Phillips, 1996

Reviewed by Jason Davies

BMCR 1996.12.14

Anacreon Redivivus

John O'Brien  / University of Michigan Press, 1995

Reviewed by Janet Levarie Smarr