BMCR 2023.07.07

Shipwrecks, legal landscapes, and Mediterranean paradigms: gone under sea

Emilia Mataix Ferrandiz  / Brill, 2022

Reviewed by Sarah T. Wilker

BMCR 2023.08.04

Petras, Siteia II: a Minoan palatial settlement in eastern Crete. Late Bronze Age pottery from houses I.1 and I.2

Metaxia Tsipopoulou, Eleni Nodarou  / INSTAP Academic Press, 2021

Reviewed by R. Angus K. Smith

BMCR 2023.08.08

Rethinking the Roman city: the spatial turn and the archaeology of Roman Italy

Dunia Filippi  / Routledge, 2022

Reviewed by Andrea U. De Giorgi

BMCR 2023.08.10

Städte in Ovids Metamorphosen: Darstellung und Funktion einer literarischen Landschaft

Torben Behm  / Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2022

Reviewed by Maximiliane Gindele

BMCR 2023.08.11

Philosophy in Ovid, Ovid as philosopher

Katharina Volk, Gareth D. Williams  / Oxford University Press, 2022

Reviewed by Jeffrey P. Ulrich

BMCR 2023.08.12

Homer the rhetorician: Eustathios of Thessalonike on the composition of the Iliad

Baukje van den Berg  / Oxford University Press, 2022

Reviewed by Monica Negri

BMCR 2023.08.13

Tragic papyri: Aeschylus’ Theoroi, Hypsipyle, Laios, Prometheus Pyrkaeus, and Sophocles’ Inachos

Kyriakos Tsantsanoglou  / De Gruyter, 2022

Reviewed by Felice Stama

BMCR 2023.08.14

Tracing gestures: the art and archaeology of bodily communication

Amy J. Maitland Gardner, Carl Walsh  / Bloomsbury, 2022

Reviewed by Sarah Beckmann

BMCR 2023.08.16

Au-delà de l’épithalame: le mariage dans la littérature latine (IIIe s. av. – VIe s. ap. J.-C.)

Lavinia Galli Milić, Annick Stoehr-Monjou  / Brepols, 2022

Reviewed by Fernando Gorab Leme

BMCR 2023.08.18

Zwischen Ansässigkeit und Mobilität: die sogenannte Grosse Kolonisation der Griechen aus migrationstheoretischer Perspektive

Dominick Delp  / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022

Reviewed by Stefanos Gimatzidis

BMCR 2023.08.21

Cléopâtre l’Egyptienne

Bernard Legras  / Les Belles Lettres, 2021

Reviewed by Helena Lopez Gomez

BMCR 2023.08.23

Caton l’Ancien et l’hellénisme: images, traditions et réception

Clément Bur, Michel Humm  / De Boccard, 2021

Reviewed by Friedrich Meins

BMCR 2023.08.26

A Medieval Latin reader: an intermediate Latin commentary

C.T. Hadavas  / C.T. Hadavas, 2022

Reviewed by Joseph Rudolph

BMCR 2023.08.31

Thunder and lament: Lucan on the beginnings and ends of epic

Timothy A. Joseph  / Oxford University Press, 2022

Reviewed by Thomas Biggs

BMCR 2023.08.32

Dee di maggio: introduzione e commento a Ovidio, Fasti 5, 1-378

Luca Basso  / Edizioni dell’Orso, 2022

Reviewed by Fabio Nolfo

BMCR 2023.08.33

Honores inauditi: Ehrenstatuen in öffentlichen Räumen Siziliens vom Hellenismus bis in die Spätantike

Rebecca J. Henzel  / Brill, 2022

Reviewed by Aura Piccioni

BMCR 2023.08.35

‘Aegyptiaca’ nella Sicilia greca di VIII-VI sec. a.C

Günther Hölbl  / Giorgio Bretschneider, 2021

Reviewed by Laurence Mercuri

BMCR 2023.08.36

Narcissus and Pygmalion: illusion and spectacle in Ovid’s Metamorphoses

Gianpiero Rosati  / Oxford University Press, 2022

Reviewed by Elaine C. Sanderson

BMCR 2023.08.39

Ovid: Metamorphoses

Stephanie McCarter  / Penguin, 2022

Reviewed by Richard Tarrant

BMCR 2023.08.41

En los márgenes del mito: hibridaciones de la mitología clásica en la cultura de masas contemporánea

Luis Unceta Gómez, Helena González-Vaquerizo  / Catarata, 2022

Reviewed by Domingo F. Sanz