BMCR 2016.11.01

Books Received October 2016

BMCR 2016.11.02

Trabattoni on Gerson on Trabattoni, ‘Essays on Plato’s Epistemology’

Response by Franco Trabattoni | Original Review by Lloyd P. Gerson

BMCR 2016.11.03

Il labirinto della parola: enigmi, oracoli e sogni nella cultura antica. Saggi, 956

Simone Beta  / Giulio Einaudi editore, 2016

Reviewed by Ioannis M. Konstantakos

BMCR 2016.11.04

Griechische und lateinische Inschriften zum Ptolemäerreich und zur römischen Provinz Aegyptus. Einführungen und Quellentexte zur Ägyptologie, Bd 9

Stefan Pfeiffer  / LIT Verlag, 2015

Reviewed by Peter Nadig

BMCR 2016.11.05

L’éthique du stoïcien Hiéroclès. Hors-Série. Philosophie antique: problèmes, Renaissance, usages

Jean-Baptiste Gourinat  / Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2016

Reviewed by Rodrigo Pinto de Brito

BMCR 2016.11.06

Relations of Power in Early Neo-Assyrian State Ideology. Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records 10

Mattias Karlsson  / DeGruyter, 2016

Reviewed by Seth Richardson

BMCR 2016.11.07

Ancient Geography: The Discovery of the World in Classical Greece and Rome. Library of Classical Studies, 9

Duane W. Roller  / I. B. Tauris, 2015

Reviewed by Renate Burri

BMCR 2016.11.08

Lerna, VII: The Neolithic Settlement

Elizabeth C. Banks  / American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2015

Reviewed by Lily A. Bonga

BMCR 2016.11.09

Mycenaean Wall Painting in Context: New Discoveries, Old Finds Reconsidered. ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 72

Hariclia Brecoulaki, Jack L. Davis, Sharon R. Stocker  / National Hellenic Research Foundation / Institute of Historical Research, 2015

Reviewed by Anne P. Chapin

BMCR 2016.11.10

Aristotle on Female Animals: A Study of the Generation of Animals. Cambridge classical studies

Sophia M. Connell  / Cambridge University Press, 2016

Reviewed by

BMCR 2016.11.11

Ancient Concepts of the Hippocratic: Papers Presented at the XIIIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, Austin, Texas, August 2008. Studies in ancient medicine, 46

Lesley Dean-Jones, Ralph M. Rosen  / Brill, 2016

Reviewed by Frédéric Le Blay

BMCR 2016.11.12

Studi su Aristotele e l’Aristotelismo. Studi di storia della filosofia antica, 1

Elisabetta Cattanei, Francesco Fronterotta, Stefano Maso  / Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2015

Reviewed by Luca Parisoli

BMCR 2016.11.13

El Commentum Monacense a Terencio. Anejos de Veleia, Series Minor, 31

Enara San Juan Manso  / Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea​, 2015

Reviewed by Gemma Bernadó​ Ferrer

BMCR 2016.11.14

From Hittite to Homer: The Anatolian Background of Ancient Greek Epic

Mary R. Bachvarova  / Cambridge University Press, 2016

Reviewed by Yoram Cohen

BMCR 2016.11.15

Sapientia contemptrix doloris: le corps souffrant dans l’oeuvre philosophique de Sénèque. Collection Latomus, 351

Jean-Christophe Courtil  / Éditions Latomus, 2015

Reviewed by Sophia Georgacopoulou

BMCR 2016.11.16

Aristotele. La politica, libro IV. Aristotele. La politica, 4

Lucio Bertelli, Mauro Moggi, Michele Curnis, Barbara Guagliumi, Paolo Accattino, Federica Pezzoli, Giuliana Besso, Mirko Canevaro  / L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2014

Reviewed by Chiara Carsana

BMCR 2016.11.17

Greek Interjections: Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics. Trends in linguistics, 273

Lars Nordgren  / De Gruyter Mouton, 2015

Reviewed by Coulter H. George

BMCR 2016.11.18

Justinian’s Balkan Wars: Campaigning, Diplomacy and Development in Illyricum, Thrace and the Nothern World A.D. 527-65. ARCA: Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs, 53

Alexander Sarantis  / Francis Cairns, 2016

Reviewed by Jan Prostko-Prostyński

BMCR 2016.11.19

Food, Identity and Cross-Cultural Exchange in the Ancient World. Collection Latomus 354

Wim Broekaert, Robin Nadeau, John Wilkins  / Éditions Latomus, 2016

Reviewed by Saskia T. Roselaar

BMCR 2016.11.20

A Companion to Greek Literature. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World

Martin Hose, David Schenker  / Wiley Blackwell, 2016

Reviewed by Jan P. Stronk