BMCR 2015.07.01

Books Received June 2015

BMCR 2015.07.02

Ships: Production and Commerce of ‘salsamenta’ during Antiquity. Production et commerce des ‘salsamenta’ durant l’Antiquité. Actes de l’atelier doctoral, Rome 18-22 juin 2012​

Emmanuel Botte, Victoria Leitch  / Éditions Errance; Centre Camille Jullian​, 2014

Reviewed by Ephraim Lytle

BMCR 2015.07.03

The Chora of Metaponto 3: Archaeological Field Survey – Bradano to Basento (4 vols.)

Joseph Coleman Carter, Alberto Prieto  / Institute of Classical Archaeology; Packard Humanities Institute; University of Texas Press, 2011

Reviewed by Raphaëlle-Anne Kok-Merlino and Jitte​ Waagen

BMCR 2015.07.04

Gymnasiarchika: recueil et analyse des inscriptions de l’époque hellénistique en l’honneur des gymnasiarques. De l’archéologie à l’histoire, 64

Olivier Curty  / Éditions de Boccard, 2015

Reviewed by Nigel M. Kennell

BMCR 2015.07.05

Two Oxen Ahead: Pre-Mechanized Farming in the Mediterranean

Paul Halstead  / Wiley Blackwell, 2014

Reviewed by Ruth Scodel

BMCR 2015.07.06

The Many-Headed Muse: Tradition and Innovation in Late Classical Greek Lyric Poetry

Pauline A. LeVen  / Cambridge University Press, 2014

Reviewed by Timothy J. Moore

BMCR 2015.07.07

Skythen in der lateinischen Literatur. Eine Quellensammlung. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 334

Andreas Gerstacker, Anne Kuhnert, Fritz Oldemeier, Nadine Quenouille  / de Gruyter, 2015

Reviewed by Balbina Bäbler

BMCR 2015.07.08

Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates XVII; TuttoPlauto

Renato Raffaelli, Alba Tontini  / QuattroVenti, 2014 Renato Raffaelli, Alba Tontini, Renato Raffaelli  / QuattroVenti, 2014

Reviewed by Michael Fontaine

BMCR 2015.07.09

Les Vandales et l’Empire romain (édité par Michel-Yves Perrin). Civilisations et cultures

Yves Modéran  / Éditions Errance, 2014

Reviewed by Éric Fournier

BMCR 2015.07.10

Shipwrecked. Disaster and Transformation in Homer, Shakespeare, Defoe, and the Modern World

James V. Morrison  / The University of Michigan Press, 2014

Reviewed by Miklós Péti

BMCR 2015.07.11

Ovid’s Erotic Poems: Amores and Ars Amatoria. Introduction by Sarah Ruden

Len Krisak  / University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014

Reviewed by Benjamin Eldon Stevens

BMCR 2015.07.12

Der Neue Hypereides: Textedition, Studien und Erläuterungen. Texte und Kommentare, Bd 50

László Horváth  / De Gruyter, 2014

Reviewed by Johannes Engels

BMCR 2015.07.13

The Hesiodic ‘Catalogue of Women’ and Archaic Greece

Kirk Ormand  / Cambridge University Press, 2014

Reviewed by Eve A. Browning

BMCR 2015.07.14

Antike Bauornamentik: Grenzen und Möglichkeiten ihrer Erforschung. Studien zur antiken Stadt, 12

Johannes Lipps, Dominik Maschek  / Reichert Verlag, 2014

Reviewed by Henner von Hesberg

BMCR 2015.07.15

Daughters of Hecate: Women and Magic in the Ancient World

Kimberly B. Stratton, Dayna S. Kalleres  / Oxford University Press, 2014

Reviewed by Maxwell Teitel Paule

BMCR 2015.07.16

Plato’s ‘Cratylus’: The Comedy of Language. Studies in Continental Thought

S. Montgomery Ewegen  / Indiana University Press, 2014

Reviewed by Anna Novokhatko

BMCR 2015.07.17

Politics and Philosophy in Plato’s ‘Menexenus’: Education and Rhetoric, Myth and History

Nickolas Pappas, Mark Zelcer  / Routledge, 2015

Reviewed by Christoph Eucken

BMCR 2015.07.18

Demosthenica libris manu scriptis: Studien zur Textüberlieferung des Corpus Demosthenicum. Internationales Symposium in Wien, 22.-24. September 2011. Wiener Studien – Beihefte, Bd 36

Jana Gruskova, Herbert Bannert  / Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2014

Reviewed by Matthieu Cassin

BMCR 2015.07.19

Byzantinische Epigramme auf Stein nebst Addenda zu den Bänden 1 und 2

Andreas Rhoby  / Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2014

Reviewed by Claudio De Stefani

BMCR 2015.07.20

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts: Coins of the Black Sea Region, Part II: Ancient Coins of the Black Sea Littoral. Colloquia Antiqua, 11

Sergei A. Kovalenko  / Peeters, 2014

Reviewed by Sven Günther