BMCR 2009.11.01

BMCR Books Received (October, 2009)

BMCR 2009.11.02

The Imagery of Euripides: A Study in the Dramatic Use of Pictorial Language (third edition)

Shirley A. Barlow  / Bristol Classical Press, 2008

Reviewed by Viviana Gastaldi

BMCR 2009.11.03

Davidson on Verstraete on Davidson, The Greeks and Greek Love: A Radical Reappraisal of Homosexuality in Ancient Greece

Response by James Davidson | Original Review by Beert Verstraete

BMCR 2009.11.04

The Hippocratic Treatise On Glands. Studies in Ancient Medicine v. 36

Elizabeth M. Craik  / Brill, 2009

Reviewed by Robert Mayhew

BMCR 2009.11.05

Hermaion. Discovering Ancient Greek Step by Step: A New and Efficient Method, translated and adapted from the French by Monique L. Cardell

Jean-Victor Vernhes  / OPHRYS, 2009

Reviewed by Kirsty Jenkins

BMCR 2009.11.06

De Haan, Eickhoff, and Schwegman on Pavel on Nathalie de Hann, Martijn Eickhoff, Marjan Schwegman (ed.), Archaeology and National Identity in Italy and Europe 1800-1950

Response by Nathalie de Haan, Martijn Eickhoff, Marjan Schwegman | Original Review by Catalin Pavel

BMCR 2009.11.07

Greek and Roman Networks in the Mediterranean

Irad Malkin, Christy Constantakopoulou, Katerina Panagopoulou  / Routledge, 2009

Reviewed by Sandra Péré-Noguès

BMCR 2009.11.08

Corpus rhetoricum. Tome II, Hermogène: les états de cause. Collection des universités de France. Série grecque, 470

Michel Patillon  / Les Belles lettres, 2009

Reviewed by Malcolm Heath

BMCR 2009.11.09

Aristeneto: Lettere d’amore. Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento

Anna Tiziana Drago  / Pensa Multimedia, 2007

Reviewed by Owen Hodkinson

BMCR 2009.11.10

Roman Portraits in Context. Image and Context; v. 2

Jane Fejfer  / Walter de Gruyter, 2008

Reviewed by Alexandra Dardenay

BMCR 2009.11.11

The Commerce of War: Exchange and Social Order in Latin Epic

Neil Coffee  / University of Chicago Press, 2009

Reviewed by Neil W. Bernstein

BMCR 2009.11.12

Mochlos IIA: Period IV, The Mycenaean Settlement and Cemetery: The Sites. Prehistory Monographs; 23

Jeffrey S. Soles, Thomas M. Brogan, Sevi Triantaphyllou  / INSTAP Academic Press, 2008

Reviewed by Yannis Galanakis

BMCR 2009.11.13

La norme en matière religieuse en Grèce ancienne. Actes du XIIe colloque international du CIERGA (Rennes, septembre 2007). Kernos Supplément 21

Pierre Brulé  / 2009

Reviewed by Laurence Foschia

BMCR 2009.11.14

Le cirque romain et son image: [Actes du colloque tenu à l’institut Ausonius, Bordeaux, 2006]. Mémoires, 20

Jocelyne Nelis-Clément, Jean-Michel Roddaz  / Ausonius, 2008

Reviewed by Matthieu Soler

BMCR 2009.11.15

Ormand on Davidson on Verstraete on Davidson, The Greeks and Greek Love: A Radical Reappraisal of Homosexuality in Ancient Greece

Response by Kirk Ormand | Original Response by James Davidson

BMCR 2009.11.16

Segni e immagini del potere tra antico e tardoantico: i Severi e la provincia Africa proconsularis (Seconda edizione rivista ed aggiornata). Testi e studi di storia antica

Orietta Dora Cordovana  / Prisma, 2007

Reviewed by Roger Hanoune

BMCR 2009.11.17

La Catacomba di Santa Lucia e l’Oratorio dei Quaranta Martiti

Mariarita Sgarlata, Grazia Salvo  / Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra, 2006

Reviewed by Paolo Daniele Scirpo

BMCR 2009.11.18

He Athene kata te Romaike epoche: Prosphates anakalypseis, nees ereunes / Athens During the Roman Period: Recent Discoveries, New Evidence. Mouseio Benake – Parartema 40

Stavros Vlizos  / 2008

Reviewed by Paraskevi Martzavou

BMCR 2009.11.19

Religione votiva: per un’interpretazione storico-religiosa delle terrecotte votive nella Sardegna punica e tardo-punica. Supplemento alla Rivista di Studi Fenici 34 (2006)

Giuseppe Garbati  / Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2008

Reviewed by Chiara Peri

BMCR 2009.11.20

Musica e filosofia da Damone a Filodemo: sette studi. Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere “La Colombaria” – Serie Studi 245

Aldo Brancacci  / Leo S. Olschki editore, 2008

Reviewed by Marco Ercoles