BMCR 2008.04.01

BMCR Books Received (March, 2008)

BMCR 2008.04.02

The Other Virgil: ‘Pessimistic’ Readings of the Aeneid in Early Modern Culture

Craig Kallendorf  / Oxford University Press, 2007

Reviewed by Victoria Moul

BMCR 2008.04.03

Augustus und die Juden. Rechtsstellung und Interessenpolitik der kleinasiatischen Diaspora. Studien zur Alten Geschichte, 6

Monika Schuol  / Verlag Antike, 2007

Reviewed by Michael Hesse

BMCR 2008.04.04

Mythos: La préhistoire égéenne du XIXe au XXIe siècle après J.-C. Actes de la table ronde internationale d’Athènes (21-2 novembre 2002). Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique Supplément 46

Pascal Darcque, Michael Fotiadis, Olga Polychronopoulou  / Ecole française d'Athènes, 2006

Reviewed by John K. Papadopoulos

BMCR 2008.04.05

Platone e la Poesia: Teoria della composizione e prassi della ricezione. International Plato Studies Vol. 22

Fabio Massimo Giuliano  / Academia Verlag, 2005

Reviewed by Penelope Murray

BMCR 2008.04.06

Porfirio, Sullo Stige. Testo greco a fronte, 99

Cristiano Castelletti  / I edizione Bompiani, 2006

Reviewed by Adrian Mihai

BMCR 2008.04.07

Ancient Greek Portrait Sculpture. Context, Subjects, and Styles

Sheila Dillon  / Cambridge University Press, 2006

Reviewed by Peter Schultz

BMCR 2008.04.08

Ius latinum. Le concept de droit latin sous la République et l’Empire. Romanité et modernité du droit

David Kremer, Michel Humbert  / De Boccard, 2006

Reviewed by Christopher Smith

BMCR 2008.04.09

Advice and Its Rhetoric in Greece and Rome. Nottingham Classical Literature Studies, 9

Diana Spencer, Elena Theodorakopoulos  / Levante, 2006

Reviewed by Helen Van Noorden

BMCR 2008.04.10

Esclaves et affranchis à Rome. Las relaciones de dependencia en las Instituciones de GAYO. Índice temático

Pedro López Barja  / Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2007

Reviewed by Francesca Reduzzi Merola

BMCR 2008.04.11

Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology Helsinki, 1-7 August, 2004. 2 vols. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, 122

Jaakko Frösén, Tiina Purola, Erja Salmenkivi  / Societas Scientarum Fennica, 2007

Reviewed by Rodney Ast

BMCR 2008.04.12

Il calamo della memoria. Riuso di testi e mestiere letterario nella tarda antichità. Trieste, 27-28 Aprile 2006. Atti del II convegno. Incontri Triestini di Filologia Classica V 2005-2006

Lucio Cristante, Andrea Tessier, Laura Casarsa, Università degli studi di Trieste. Dipartimento di scienze dell'antichità., Biblioteca statale di Trieste.  / EUT, 2004-2008

Reviewed by Roberto Chiappiniello

BMCR 2008.04.13

Die Götternamen in Platons Kratylos. Ein Vergleich mit dem Papyrus von Derveni. Studien zur klassischen Philologie, 158

Barbara Anceschi  / P. Lang, 2007

Reviewed by Robbert van den Berg

BMCR 2008.04.14

Making Mockery. The Poetics of Ancient Satire. Classical Culture and Society

Ralph Mark Rosen  / Oxford University Press, 2007

Reviewed by Lowell Edmunds

BMCR 2008.04.15

Latin Poetry and the Judgment of Taste. An Essay in Aesthetics

Charles Martindale  / Oxford University Press, 2005

Reviewed by Corby Kelly

BMCR 2008.04.16

Dialogando con il passato: permanenze e innovazioni nella cultura latina di età flavia. Le Monnier Università / Lingue e Letterature

Alessia Bonadeo, Elisa Romano  / Le Monnier università, 2007

Reviewed by John Jacobs

BMCR 2008.04.17

The Propylaia to the Athenian Akropolis II: The Classical Building. Edited by Anastasia Norre Dinsmoor

William Bell Dinsmoor, William B. Dinsmoor, Anastasia Norre Dinsmoor  / American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1980-2004

Reviewed by Tasos Tanoulas

BMCR 2008.04.18

Divine Qualities. Cult and Community in Republican Rome

Anna Clark  / Oxford University Press, 2007

Reviewed by Federico Santangelo

BMCR 2008.04.19

Roman Manchester. The University of Manchester’s Excavations within the Vicus 2001-5

R. A. (Richard A.) Gregory  / Oxbow Books, 2007

Reviewed by Martin Pitts

BMCR 2008.04.20

Games and Festivals in Classical Antiquity. Proceedings of the Conference held in Edinburgh 10-12 July 2000. BAR International Series, 1220

Sinclair Bell, Glenys Davies  / Archaeopress, 2004

Reviewed by Stephen Evans