BMCR 2006.04.01

BMCR Books Received (March)

BMCR 2006.04.02

Hempel on Chatr Aryamontri on Hempel, Die Nekropole von Tarent im 2. und 1. Jh.v.Chr

Response by Karl Hempel | Original Review by Deborah Aryamontri

BMCR 2006.04.03

Il battesimo di Costantino il Grande. Storia di una scomoda eredità. Hermes Einzelschrift 95

Marilena Amerise  / F. Steiner, 2005

Reviewed by Jan Drijvers

BMCR 2006.04.04

Spectacular Power in the Greek and Roman City

Andrew (Andrew J. E.) Bell  / Oxford University Press, 2004

Reviewed by Kathleen Coleman

BMCR 2006.04.05

Judaism in the Greco-Roman World. Toward a New Jewish Archaeology

Steven Fine  / Cambridge University Press, 2005

Reviewed by Jodi Magness

BMCR 2006.04.06

Geschichte der Juden im Altertum: Vom babylonischen Exil bis zur arabischen Eroberung

Klaus Bringmann  / Klett-Cotta, 2005

Reviewed by Linda Zollschan

BMCR 2006.04.07

Le littoral de la Tunisie: Étude géoarchéologique et historique. Études d’Antiquités africaines

Hédi Slim  / CNRS éditions, 2004

Reviewed by David Stone

BMCR 2006.04.08

Sophocles: Philoctetes. Duckworth Companions to Greek and Roman Tragedy

Hanna Roisman  / Duckworth, 2005

Reviewed by Ian Storey

BMCR 2006.04.09

Sophocles: Electra

Michael (Michael A.) Lloyd  / Duckworth, 2005

Reviewed by David Fitzpatrick

BMCR 2006.04.10

Mantikê. Studies in Ancient Divination

Sarah Iles Johnston, Peter T. Struck  / Brill, 2005

Reviewed by Alex Nice

BMCR 2006.04.11

Aristotle’s Politics: Critical Essays

Richard Kraut, Steven Skultety  / Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2005

Reviewed by Thomas Smith

BMCR 2006.04.12

Ovid’s Metamorphoses. A Selection. Edited with an Introduction by Peter Scupham

43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D. Ovid, Arthur Golding, Peter Scupham  / Carcanet, 2005

Reviewed by Kris Fletcher

BMCR 2006.04.13

Salamine de Chypre XVI: Les Monnaies. Fouilles de la ville 1964-1974. Mission Archéologique de Salamine de Chypre

Jean Pouilloux, Georges Roux, Marguerite Yon, Olivier Callot, France) Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen ancien (Lyon, France) Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen (Lyon, Institut Fernand-Courby., Mission archéologique française de Salamine de Chypre.  / E. de Boccard, 1969-2004

Reviewed by Jörg Starck

BMCR 2006.04.14

The Painted Coffers of the Ostrusha Tomb

Julia Valeva  / Bulgarski Khudozhnik Publ, 2005

Reviewed by Stella Miller-Collett

BMCR 2006.04.15

Lucien et la tragédie

Orestis Karavas  / W. de Gruyter, 2005

Reviewed by Johanna Hanink

BMCR 2006.04.16

The Poems of Catullus

Peter Green  / University of California Press, 2005

Reviewed by Antonio de Verger Jan J. Zoltwoski

BMCR 2006.04.17

The Syntax of Time. The Phenomenology of Time in Greek Physics and Speculative Logic from Iamblichus to Anaximander. Studies in Platonism, Neoplatonism, and the Platonic Tradition, 2

Peter Manchester  / Brill, 2005

Reviewed by Eugene Afonasin

BMCR 2006.04.18

Fame, Money, and Power: The Rise of Peisistratos and “Democratic” Tyranny at Athens

Brian M. Lavelle  / University of Michigan Press, 2005

Reviewed by Greg Anderson

BMCR 2006.04.19

A Companion to Latin Literature. Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World

S. J. Harrison  / Blackwell Pub, 2005

Reviewed by Erik Hamer

BMCR 2006.04.20

Nero. First published in 2003. Paperback edition

Edward Champlin  / Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2003

Reviewed by Paul Roche