BMCR 2005.01.01

BMCR Books Received (December)

BMCR 2005.01.02

Modes of Viewing in Hellenistic Poetry and Art

G. (Graham) Zanker  / University of Wisconsin Press, 2004

Reviewed by James Clauss

BMCR 2005.01.03

Seianti Hanunia Tlesnasa. The Story of an Etruscan Noblewoman. The British Museum Occasional Paper Number 100

Judith Swaddling, John Prag, British Museum.  / British Museum, 2002

Reviewed by Jean Turfa

BMCR 2005.01.04

Bookrolls and Scribes in Oxyrhynchus

William A. Johnson  / University of Toronto Press, 2004

Reviewed by S. Stephens

BMCR 2005.01.05


Amanda Kolson Hurley  / Bristol Classical Press, 2004

Reviewed by Christopher Nappa

BMCR 2005.01.06

A Journey into Platonic Politics: Plato’s Laws

Albert Keith Whitaker  / University Press of America, 2004

Reviewed by Richard Joines

BMCR 2005.01.07

Women of Byzantium

Carolyn L. (Carolyn Loessel) Connor  / Yale University Press, 2004

Reviewed by Stavroula Constantinou

BMCR 2005.01.08

Holford-Strevens on Elsner on Leach

Response by Leofranc Holford-Strevens | Original Review by Jas' Elsner

BMCR 2005.01.09

Stuttgarter Elektronische Studienbibel SESB

Christof Hardmeier, Eep Talstra, Alan Groves  / Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2004

Reviewed by Catherine Conybeare

BMCR 2005.01.10

Studi di Egittologia e di Papirologia. Rivista internazionale 1.2004

Mario Capasso  / Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2004

Reviewed by John Whitehorne

BMCR 2005.01.11

Catullus. Poems of Love and Hate

Josephine Balmer  / Bloodaxe Books, 2004

Reviewed by Daniel Garrison

BMCR 2005.01.12

Roman House – Renaissance Palaces. Inventing Antiquity in Fifteenth-Century Italy

Georgia Clarke  / Cambridge University Press, 2003

Reviewed by Vincent Jolivet

BMCR 2005.01.13

The Narrative Voice in the Theogony of Hesiod. Mnemosyne Suppl. 255

Kathryn Stoddard  / Brill, 2004

Reviewed by Blake Tyrrell

BMCR 2005.01.14

Statistischer Schlüssel zum Vokabular in Vergils Eklogen, Alpha-Omega Reihe A vol. CLXXVII

Dietmar Najock  / Olms-Weidmann, 2004

Reviewed by Bernhard Kytzler

BMCR 2005.01.15

La parola inestenguibile. Studi sull’epinicio pindarico

Donato Loscalzo  / Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 2003

Reviewed by Rosanna Lauriola

BMCR 2005.01.16

Senecas ‘Naturales Quaestiones’. Naturphilosophie für die römische Kaiserzeit. Zetemata 122

Bardo Maria Gauly  / C.H. Beck, 2004

Reviewed by Florence Limburg

BMCR 2005.01.17

Side-by-Side Survey: Comparative Regional Studies in the Mediterranean

Susan E. Alcock, John F. Cherry  / Oxbow, 2004

Reviewed by Daniel Stewart

BMCR 2005.01.18

La naissance de la ville dans l’antiquité

Michel Reddé, Laurent Dubois, Dominique Briquel, Henri Lavagne, François Queyrel, Robert Bedon Philippe Barral  / De Boccard, 2003

Reviewed by Marek Wecowski

BMCR 2005.01.19

Greek Epigram in the Roman Empire: Martial’s Forgotten Rivals

Gideon Nisbet  / Oxford University Press, 2003

Reviewed by Kathryn Gutzwiller

BMCR 2005.01.20

Games and Sanctuaries in Ancient Greece. Translated by David Hardy

Panos Valavanēs  / J. Paul Getty Museum, 2004

Reviewed by Paul Christesen