BMCR 2000.11.01

Egypt in the Age of Cleopatra. History and Society under the Ptolemies (= L’Egypte au temps de Cléopâtre, transl. by D. Lorton)

Michel Chauveau  / Cornell University Press, 2000

Reviewed by Marjorie Venit

BMCR 2000.11.02

Rainer and Bellen on Frier on Rainer

Response by J. Bellen, J. Michael Rainer | Original Review by Bruce Frier

BMCR 2000.11.03

Johnson on McMahon on Johnson

Response by Laurin Johnson | Original Review by John McMahon

BMCR 2000.11.04

Mensch und Landschaft in der Antike: Lexikon der historischen Geographie

Holger Sonnabend  / J.B. Metzler, 1999

Reviewed by René Bloch

BMCR 2000.11.05

Das griechische Satyrspiel

Ralf Krumeich, Nikolaus Pechstein, Bernd Seidensticker  / Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1999

Reviewed by Peter Burian

BMCR 2000.11.06

Poems from the Greek Anthology. Expanded edition

Kenneth Rexroth  / University of Michigan Press, 1999

Reviewed by Otto Steinmayer

BMCR 2000.11.07

Books Received (October)

BMCR 2000.11.08

Wörterbuch des Oskisch-Umbrischen

Jürgen Untermann  / C. Winter, 2000

Reviewed by George Dunkel

BMCR 2000.11.09

Offrandes monumentales à Delphes

Anne Jacquemin  / Ecole française d'Athènes, 1999

Reviewed by Dylan Bloy

BMCR 2000.11.10

Who Speaks for Plato? Studies in Platonic Anonymity

Gerald A. (Gerald Alan) Press  / Rowman & Littlefield, 2000

Reviewed by G.R.F. Ferrari

BMCR 2000.11.11

Provincia Hispania Superior. Philosophisch-historische Klasse der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften

Géza Alföldy  / Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2000

Reviewed by Michael Kulikowski

BMCR 2000.11.12

Plato’s Democratic Entanglements: Athenian Politics and the Practice of Philosophy

Susan Sara Monoson  / Princeton University Press, 2000

Reviewed by John Wallach

BMCR 2000.11.13

Stray on Traill on Stray

Response by Christopher Stray | Original Review by David Traill

BMCR 2000.11.14

Alexandri Aetoli Testimonia et Fragmenta. Studi e Testi 15

Enrico Magnelli  / Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze dell' Antichità "Giorgio Pasquali", 1999

Reviewed by S. Olson

BMCR 2000.11.15

The Cambridge History of Judaism III. The early Roman period

W. D. Davies, William Horbury, John Sturdy  / Cambridge University Press, 1999

Reviewed by Hagith Sivan

BMCR 2000.11.16

Sparta: New Perspectives

Stephen Hodkinson, Anton Powell  / Duckworth, 1999

Reviewed by Graham Shipley

BMCR 2000.11.17

Aristophanes, Ecclesiazusae

Aristophanes., Alan H. Sommerstein  / Aris & Phillips, 1998

Reviewed by Armand D'Angour

BMCR 2000.11.18

Aveline on Smith and Trzaskoma on Wheelock’s Latin, 6th edition

Response by John Aveline | Original Review by R. Trzaskoma

BMCR 2000.11.19

Xenophon and Arrian, On Hunting

A.A. Phillips, M.M. Willcock  / Phillips, 1999

Reviewed by Jon Hesk

BMCR 2000.11.20

Medical Latin in the Roman Empire

D. R. Langslow  / Oxford University Press, 2000

Reviewed by Eleanor Dickey