BMCR 1992.06.01

Euripides, Andromeda

Frank Bubel  / Steiner, 1991

Reviewed by Anton Bierl

BMCR 1992.06.02

Heinrich Schliemann nach hundert Jahren

Heinrich Schliemann, William M. (William Musgrave) Calder, Justus Cobet, Werner-Reimers-Stiftung.  / V. Klostermann, 1990

Reviewed by A.A. Donohue

BMCR 1992.06.03

Allegorical Readers and Cultural Revision in Ancient Alexandria

David Dawson  / University of California Press, 1992

Reviewed by James O'Donnell

BMCR 1992.06.04

The Textual Tradition of Euripides’ Orestes

James Diggle  / Clarendon Press, 1991

Reviewed by Martin Cropp

BMCR 1992.06.05

The Art of Persuasion. Political Propaganda from Aeneas to Brutus

Jane DeRose Evans  / University of Michigan Press, 1992

Reviewed by Bob Develin

BMCR 1992.06.06

Place Void, and Eternity

David Furley, Christian Wildberg  / Cornell University Press, 1991

Reviewed by Barbara Obrist

BMCR 1992.06.07

Introducing New Gods: The Politics of Athenian Religion

Robert Garland  / Cornell University Press, 1992

Reviewed by Richard Hamilton

BMCR 1992.06.08

The Idea of Epic

J.B. Hainsworth  / University of California Press, 1991

Reviewed by Sheila Murnaghan

BMCR 1992.06.09

A Commentary on Thucydides

Simon Hornblower  / Clarendon Press, 1991-2008

Reviewed by David Potter

BMCR 1992.06.10

The Emperor Domitian

Brian W. Jones  / Routledge, 1993

Reviewed by Alain Gowing

BMCR 1992.06.11

The Spartan War Fund: IG V 1, 1 and a New Fragment

William T. Loomis  / F. Steiner, 1992

Reviewed by Mabel Lang

BMCR 1992.06.12

Man On His Own: Interpretations of Erasmus c. 1750-1920

Bruce Mansfield  / University of Toronto Press, 1992

Reviewed by James Romm

BMCR 1992.06.13

Early Greek Lyric Poetry

David D. Mulroy  / University of Michigan Press, 1992

Reviewed by Lee Pearcy

BMCR 1992.06.14

In and Out of the Mind: Greek Images of the Tragic Self

Ruth Padel  / Princeton University Press, 1992

Reviewed by Michael Halleran

BMCR 1992.06.15

Sons of the Gods, Children of Earth: Ideology and Literary Form in Ancient Greece

Peter W. Rose  / Cornell University Press, 1992

Reviewed by Kirk Ormand

BMCR 1992.06.16

The Continuous and the Discrete: Ancient Physical Theories from a Contemporary Perspective

Michael J. White  / Clarendon Press, 1992

Reviewed by Dirk Held

BMCR 1992.06.17

Essays on Aristotle’s De Anima

Martha C. Nussbaum, Amélie Rorty  / Clarendon Press, 1992

Reviewed by Cass Weller

BMCR 1992.06.18

An Introductory Bibliography to the History of Classical Scholarship Chiefly in the XIXth and XXth Centuries

William M. Calder III, D.J. Kramer  / Georg Olms, 1992

Reviewed by James O'Donnell

BMCR 1992.06.19

1992.06.19 RESPONSES (two)

Response by Gerard Ledger, Paul Keyser | Original Review by Dee Clayman Gregory Crane Donald Guthrie

BMCR 1992.06.20

Clayman/Crane/Guthrie on Keyser on Frischer

Response by Dee Clayman, Gregory Crane, Donald Guthrie | Original Review by Gerard Ledger Paul Keyser