Month: July 1991
Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire: The Development of Christian Discourse
Averil Cameron / University of California Press, 1991
BMCR 1991.07.02Polyhymnia: The Rhetoric of Horatian Lyric Discourse
Gregson Davis / University of California Press, 1991
BMCR 1991.07.03Re-Counting Plato: A Computer Analysis of Plato’s Style
Gerard R. Ledger / Clarendon Press, 1989
BMCR 1991.07.04Arete: Greek Sports from Ancient Sources
Stephen G. Miller / University of California Press, 1991
BMCR 1991.07.05Otto Jahn: Mit einem Verzeichnis seiner Schriften
Carl Müller / Teubner, 1991
BMCR 1991.07.06Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature
Leighton D. Reynolds, Nigel Guy Wilson / Oxford University Press, 1991
BMCR 1991.07.07Dining in a Classical Context
William J. Slater / University of Michigan Press, 1991
BMCR 1991.07.091991.07.09, Response: Daitz on Reading Homeric Verse (AJP 112 [1991] 149-160)
BMCR 1991.07.10Editor’s Disk (Again?)
BMCR 1991.07.11From the Editor’s Disk