BMCR 2010.05.01

BMCR Books Received (April, 2010)

BMCR 2010.05.02

Pistoi dia tèn technèn: Bankers, Loans, and Archives in the Ancient World: Studies in Honour of Raymond Bogaert. Studia Hellenistica 44

Koenraad Verboven, Katelijn Vandorpe, Véronique Chankowski  / Peeters, 2008

Reviewed by T.E. Rihll

BMCR 2010.05.03

“…vor dem Papyrus sind alle gleich!”: papyrologische Beiträge zu Ehren von Bärbel Kramer (P. Kramer). Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete Beiheft 27

Eberhard Raimar, Holger Kockelmann, Stefan Pfeiffer, Maren Schentuleit  / Walter de Gruyter, 2009

Reviewed by Jean A. Straus

BMCR 2010.05.04

Plotino. Pensatori; 3

Riccardo Chiaradonna  / Carocci editore, 2009

Reviewed by Richard Dufour

BMCR 2010.05.05

The Theme of Returning Home in Ancient Greek Literature: The Nostos of the Epic Heroes

Marigo Alexopoulou  / Edwin Mellen Press, 2009

Reviewed by Justine McConnell

BMCR 2010.05.06

Das Ereignis. Geschichtsschreibung zwischen Vorfall und Befund. IBAES 10

Martin Fitzenreiter  / Golden House Publications, 2009

Reviewed by Jan Moje

BMCR 2010.05.07

Traduire, transposer, transmettre: dans l’Antiquité gréco-romaine. Textes images et monuments de l’Antiquité au haut Moyen âge 9

Bernard Bortolussi, Madeleine Keller, Sophie Minon, Lyliane Sznajder  / Éditions A. et J. Picard, 2009

Reviewed by Stéphane Ratti

BMCR 2010.05.08

Herodas: Mimiambs

Graham Zanker  / Phillips, 2009

Reviewed by Floris Overduin

BMCR 2010.05.09

Distorted Ideals in Greek Vase-Painting: The World of Mythological Burlesque

David Walsh  / Cambridge University Press, 2009

Reviewed by Jean-Marc Luce

BMCR 2010.05.10

The People of Knossos: Prosopographical Studies in the Knossos Linear B Archives. Boreas. Uppsala Studies in Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Civilizations 30

Hedvig Landenius Enegren  / Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2008

Reviewed by Stavroula Nikoloudis

BMCR 2010.05.11

The Social History of Roman Art. Key Themes in Ancient History

Peter Stewart  / Cambridge University Press, 2008

Reviewed by Emanuel Mayer

BMCR 2010.05.12

Murder Was Not a Crime: Homicide and Power in the Roman Republic

Judy E. Gaughan  / University of Texas Press, 2010

Reviewed by Jack Lennon

BMCR 2010.05.13

El mito de Filomela en la literatura española

Antonio María Martín Rodríguez  / Universidad de León, Área de Publicaciones, 2008

Reviewed by Pablo Alvarez

BMCR 2010.05.14

Byzantine Slavery and the Mediterranean World. (Originally published in French 2004; translated by Jane Marie Todd)

Youval Rotman  / Harvard University Press, 2009

Reviewed by Noel Lenski

BMCR 2010.05.15

The Customs Law of Asia. Oxford Studies in Ancient Documents

M. Cottier, M. H. Crawford, C. V. Crowther, J.-L. Ferrary, B. M. Levick, O. Salomies, M. Wörrle  / Oxford University Press, 2008

Reviewed by Giovanna Daniela Merola

BMCR 2010.05.16

Hommes illustres: moeurs et politique à Athènes au Ve siècle . Aubier. Collection historique

Pauline Schmitt Pantel  / Éditions Flammarion, 2009

Reviewed by Andrea Primo

BMCR 2010.05.17

The Noun Phrase in Ancient Greek

Stéphanie J. Bakker  / Brill, 2009

Reviewed by Philomen Probert

BMCR 2010.05.18

Da Eschilo ai Virgin Steele: il mito degli Atridi nella musica contemporanea. Nemo, confrontarsi con l’antico 9

Elena Liverani  / d.u. press, 2009

Reviewed by Roberto M. Danese

BMCR 2010.05.19

Emilio Gabba. Conversazioni sulla storia. Ritratti 1

Umberto Laffi  / Della Porta Editori, 2009

Reviewed by Francesco Montone

BMCR 2010.05.20

Latin Alive: The Survival of Latin in English and Romance Languages

Joseph B. Solodow  / Cambridge University Press, 2010

Reviewed by Roger Wright