BMCR 2022.11.17

BMCR’s 30th anniversary: the afterparty

Dear readers,

As you know, BMCR gathered to celebrate its 30+ anniversary in October. Our thanks to both President Kim Cassidy and the staff of Bryn Mawr College who made the event possible, and especially to the many friends who celebrated with us. It was a wonderful time.

The review of Anaxagoras by Socrates of Athens that we have just published (BMCR 2022.11.16) was ‘recovered’ by Ralph Rosen and presented in his paper at the anniversary, part of a larger reflection on book reviewing in antiquity. We will be publishing the papers from the anniversary over the next months, and we hope you enjoy their reflections on BMCR, Classics and the cultures of reviewing as much as we did. Look for a first installment soon.


Clifford Ando
Camilla MacKay
Senior editors, BMCR

Publication of papers:

Jim O’Donnell, “BMCR: Thirty Years After
James Zetzel, “Anatomy of a Book Review(er)
Clifford Ando, “BMCR: A View Under the Hood
Catherine Conybeare, “Is a Digital Review a Global Review?”
Ralph Rosen, “On Reviewing Books in Classical Antiquity”
Morag M. Kersel, “To Publish or Not to Publish? This is No Longer the Question”