Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound. Companions to Greek and Roman Tragedy
Ian Ruffell / Bristol Classical Press, 2011 detected: the ban on Sinodinou’s Prometheus in 1967 because it used the music of Theodorakis; the National Theater of Northern Greece’s production in July 1970 (Herodes Atticus), where Prometheus’...
BMCR 2019.12.39Frankenstein and Its Classics: The Modern Prometheus from Antiquity to Science Fiction. Bloomsbury studies in classical reception
Jesse Weiner, Benjamin Eldon Stevens, Brett M. Rogers / Bloomsbury Academic, 2018 it draw on ancient Greek and Roman literature, philosophy, and myth. Prometheus is the dominant figure throughout, of course, in no small part because Shelley presented her work as...
BMCR 2009.11.33Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound
A. J. Podlecki / Phillips, 2005
...of Prometheus, (2) “Prometheus in archaic Greece”, (3) “Associated myths”, (4) “Near Eastern parallels”, (5) “Prometheus in fifth-century cult”, (6) “Prometheus philanthrôpos: the fifth-century idea of progress”, (7) the trilogy,...
BMCR 2021.04.10Prometheus bound: a separate authorial trace in the Aeschylean corpus
Nikos Manousakis / De Gruyter, 2020
...Prometheus Bound? Manousakis, with the help of a variety of computer-aided calculations, shows that Aeschylean authorship of Prometheus Bound is very highly unlikely. Mark Griffith had already made the case...
BMCR 2023.08.13Tragic papyri: Aeschylus’ Theoroi, Hypsipyle, Laios, Prometheus Pyrkaeus, and Sophocles’ Inachos
Kyriakos Tsantsanoglou / De Gruyter, 2022
...frr. 24 (= fr. 451s, 24 Radt) e 8 (= fr. 451n Radt)[9]. Originariamente concepito e già pubblicato come articolo in rivista[10] è anche il quarto contributo (“Aeschylus’ Prometheus Pyrkaeus”,...
BMCR 2018.08.26Ein literarischer Prometheus: Lukian aus Samosata und die Zweite Sophistik. Heidelberger Studienhefte zur Altertumswissenschaft
Manuel Baumbach, Peter von Möllendorff / Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017
Publisher’s Preview Questo volume soddisfa, in maniera egregia, un’esigenza percepita già da lungo tempo negli studi lucianei in Germania, quella cioè di un’introduzione complessiva di buon livello scientifico all’opera del...
BMCR 2005.04.23Hesiod’s Cosmos
Jenny Strauss Clay / Cambridge University Press, 2003
...and Prometheus’ distribution of the ox at the feast at Mekone, C. reads Prometheus as a pretender to Zeus’ throne; Prometheus’ gift of the edible parts of the ox to...
BMCR 2019.01.10Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Aeschylus. Brill’s Companions to Classical Reception 11
Rebecca Futo Kennedy / Brill, 2017
...Man of Europe”—Gonda Van Steen Transtextual Transformations of Prometheus Bound in Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound : Prometheus’ Gifts to Humankind—Fabien Desset Aeschylus and Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus, by...
BMCR 2018.12.12Hesiod and Classical Greek Poetry: Reception and Transformation in the Fifth Century BCE
Zoe Stamatopoulou / Cambridge University Press, 2017
...studies are Aeschylus’ Prometheus plays and Euripides’ Ion. After briefly surveying the evidence for the composition and performance of the Aeschylean tetralogy of which Prometheus Bound and Prometheus Lyomenos are...
BMCR 2008.08.53Il Prometeo del Duca. La prima traduzione Italiana del Prometeo di Eschilo (Vat. Urb. Lat. 789). Classics in the Libraries, 1
Aeschylus., Andrea Blasina, Marcantonio Cinuzzi / Hakkert, 2006
...than one heading. Correction: p. 94 on 1201-1212 (P. V.1020-25, Prometheus’ future destiny); B. identifies these events as part of the third play of the Prometheus trilogy Prometheus Pyrophoros citing...
BMCR 2015.09.28Qu’est-ce que la mythologie grecque? Folio essais, 598
Claude Calame / Éditions Gallimard, 2015
...Platons Protagoras und einen Vergleich dieser Platonischen Version mit Prometheus’ Darstellung seiner Wohltaten für die Menschen im Gefesselten Prometheus des Aischylos (Vv. 436-506). In der Analyse der Erzählung zeigt sich...
BMCR 2023.02.16Chaos, cosmos and creation in early Greek theogonies: an ontological exploration
Olaf Almqvist / Bloomsbury Academic, 2022
...role of ritual as a mediating action, focusing on the narrative of animal sacrifice in Hesiod’s Prometheus story. Almqvist argues for a “new theory of sacrifice as a flexible and...
BMCR 2020.01.13The Politics of Sacrifice in Early Greek Myth and Poetry
Charles H. Stocking / Cambridge University Press, 2017
...(context and content) and its continued use in ancient Greek practice remained a situation in which patriarchal deference, timē, is contested and awarded. Beginning with the contest between Prometheus and...
BMCR 2000.06.34Rites of Passage in Ancient Greece
Mark W. Padilla / Bucknell University Press, 1999
...the Athenian Community”, pp. 129-147) focuses on the figure of Io in the Prometheus and argues that the connection between Io and Prometheus lies in a rite of passage which...
BMCR 2006.01.17Favole antiche: Mito greco e tradizione letteraria europea
Davide Susanetti / Carocci, 2005
...rage of Medea). Then various threads of development, different for each myth, are followed. For example: Prometheus as friend of mankind, Prometheus as ignoble rebel, Prometheus as false friend to...
BMCR 2007.04.38Donne e Preghiera: Le preghiere dei personaggi femminili nelle tragedie superstiti di Eschilo. Supplementi di Lexis, XXXVIII
Stefano Amendola / Hakkert, 2006
...the city is saved (p.59). The fourth chapter hinges on a number of contrasts between Suppliants and Prometheus Bound, whose authenticity A. does not call into question.2 In the first...
BMCR 2008.07.41Dionysalexandros: Essays on Aeschylus and His Fellow Tragedians in Honour of Alexander F. Garvie
Douglas L. Cairns, Vaios Liapēs, Jean Bollack, A. F. Garvie, Βάιος Λιαπής / Classical Press of Wales, 2006
...80). It is important to explore each of Prometheus’ speeches and to determine how each implies and links with the others. The drama rests on Prometheus’ unyielding support for mortals...
BMCR 2011.03.37Aeschylean Tragedy. Second edition
Alan H. Sommerstein / Duckworth, 2010
...masks as in subsequent art (p. 31 n.20), and that of Prometheus entering on high then descending by ladder while Prometheus converses with Oceanus (pp. 222-3). Sommerstein’s view of the...
BMCR 2012.07.05Deadly Powers: Animal Predators and the Mythic Imagination
Paul A. Trout / Prometheus Books, 2011
Trout’s book presents an interesting hypothesis about the origins of myth and storytelling. The author conceives the development of storytelling in the very ancient past as a mechanism of early...
BMCR 2004.02.33Crossroads to Islam: The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab State
Yehuda D. Nevo, Judith Koren, Negev Archaeological Project for the Study of Ancient Arab Desert Cultures. / Prometheus Books, 2003
Radical revisionism can be helpful even when it’s unsound, if it induces scholars to reassess their comfortable assumptions about the evidence and arguments of a traditional interpretation. To the same...