BMCR 2024.09.01

Books received August 2024

This list contains all notifications of new books received in August 2024 by BMCR; some books listed here may already have been assigned to reviewers. To volunteer to review a book, please visit this page, where you will find a complete list of books available for review, including those still available from the previous few months. Please allow at least a couple of weeks for us to reply to your request.


Alimi, Toni. Slaves of god: Augustine and other Romans on religion and politics. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2024. Pp. 328. ISBN 9780691244235.

Aragón-Núñez, Enrique. Rochelongue shipwreck: maritime network and cultural interaction in west Languedoc, France during 7th-6th B.C. BAR international series, 3141. Cultural studies in maritime and underwater archaeology, 5. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2023. Pp. xiv, 142. ISBN 9781407360379.

Asciutti, Michele, Romano Cerro, Eleonora Scopinaro. Cities: the future of the past. Architecture, urban planning and restoration in Iran and Italy. Nuovi strumenti, 6. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2024. Pp. 224. ISBN 9788891322821.

Balandat, Luisa. Eine “Trübung des attischen Geistes”? Ursprung, Entwicklung und Bedeutung archaischer Grabreliefs außerhalb Attikas. Tübinger archäologische Forschungen, 39. Rahden: Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2023. Pp. 322. ISBN 9783896468703.

Balot, Ryan K. Tragedy, philosophy, and political education in Plato’s Laws. New York: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. xiv, 425. ISBN 9780197647226.

Banfield, Lindsay. Making flour the German way in Roman Britain: distribution, use and deposition of imported lava quernstones and millstones. BAR British series, 681. Archaeology of Roman Britain, 10. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2023. Pp. xxiv, 190. ISBN 9781407360812.

Bartoš, Hynek, Vojtěch Linka. Aristotle reads Hippocrates. Studies in ancient medicine, 59. Leiden: Brill, 2024. Pp. x, 434. ISBN 9789004703537.

Bellucci, Nikola D. Aegypto adiecta: forme e caratterizzazioni dell’autorita imperiale tra le dinamiche amministrative e fiscali della provincia d’Egitto sotto i Giulio-Claudii. BAR international series, 3140. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2023. Pp. xviii, 272. ISBN 9781407315294.

Beltrame, Carlo, Stefano Medas, Paolo Mozzi. Le lagune nel mondo antico. Introduzione alle dinamiche insediative, infrastrutture, ambiente. Fuori collana. Rome: Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, 2024. Pp. 160. ISBN 9788876893483.

Bennett, James E. Tell Timai, (Egypt) 2009-2020: the Ptolemaic-Roman north western temple zone and Roman city excavations. BAR international series, 3127. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2023. Pp. xxvi, 278. ISBN 9781407360737

Bernini, Andrea. Comunicare tramite ostraca. Usi, testi e supporti dei reperti greci d’Egitto. Philippika, 174. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2024. Pp. xi, 274. ISBN 9783447121620.

Bhalla, A. S. Art of ancient India and the Aegean: fortuitous parallels or cultural contacts? Oxford: Archaeopress, 2024. Pp. 166. ISBN 9781803277615.

Braun, Brandon. Commemorating classical battles: a landscape biography approach to Marathon, Leuktra and Chaironeia. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2023. Pp. 272. ISBN 9781789259353.

Campbell, Celia M. Rival praises: Ovid and the metamorphosis of the hymnic tradition. Wisconsin studies in classics. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2024. Pp. 344. ISBN 9780299348748.

Carbon, Jan-Mathieu, Gunnel Ekroth. From snout to tail. Exploring the Greek sacrificial animal from the literary, epigraphical, iconographical, archaeological, and zooarchaeological evidence. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen/Acta Instituti Atheniensis Regni Sueciae, 4.60. Stockholm: Svenska Institutet i Athen, 2024. Pp. 270. ISBN 9789179160692.

Cartledge, Paul, Paul Christesen. The Oxford history of the archaic Greek world. Volume I: Argos to Corcyra. New York: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. 656. ISBN 9780199383597.

Castelli, Carla. ΑΚΡΙΒΕΙΑ. Lo stile esatto nella retorica greca. Polymnia. Trieste: Edizioni Università Trieste, 2023. Pp. x, 116. ISBN 9788855114332.

Cedone, Bernardo. Catilina e i patres nel Bellum Catilinae di Sallustio. Bibliotheca Classica Biblion. Milano: Biblion, 2024. Pp. 356. ISBN 9788833833002.

Chidwick, Hannah-Marie. The body of the combatant in the ancient Mediterranean. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. Pp. 256. ISBN 9781350240858.

Clarke, Michael, Erich Poppe, Isabelle Torrance. Classical antiquity and medieval Ireland: an anthology of medieval Irish texts and interpretations. Bloomsbury studies in classical reception. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. Pp. 480. ISBN 9781350333277.

Crawford, Jane W., Andrew R. Dyck. Cicero. Fragmentary speeches. Loeb classical library, 556. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2024. Pp. lxxi, 432. ISBN 9780674997622.

Escosura Balbás, Cristina de la, Anamarija Kurilč, Giuseppe Eugenio Rallo. Name and identity: selected studies on ancient anthroponymy through the Mediterranean. BAR international series, 3161. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2024. Pp. viii, 216. ISBN 9781407360973.

Farioli, Marcella. L’anomalie nécessaire. Femmes dangereuses, idéologie de la polis et gynécophobie à Athènes. Antichistica, 39. Filologia e letteratura, 7. Venice: Edizioni Ca’Foscari, 2024. Pp. 678. ISBN 9788869698262.

Francis, Jane E., Michael J. Curtis. Contextualizing imperial disruption and upheavals and their associated research challenges. Cretan studies, 1. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2024. Pp. 192. ISBN 9781789259988.

Gouy, Audrey. Textiles in motion: dress for dance in the ancient world. Ancient textiles. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2023. Pp. xvi, 208. ISBN 9781789257984.

Groll, Florian. Sieg und Familie im frühen Prinzipat. Eine Studie zur militärischen Repräsentation der Verwandten des Augustus. Mainzer althistorische Studien, 12. Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2024. Pp. viii, 278. ISBN 9783969293072.

Guillaumin, Jean-Baptiste. Martianus Capella et la circulation des savoirs dans l’antiquité tardive: actes du Colloque en ligne (Paris, Sorbonne Université, 8-9 avril 2021). Polymnia. Trieste: Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2022. Pp. xii, 424. ISBN 9788855113298.

Haeussler, Ralph, Anthony King. Religious individualisation: archaeological, iconographic and epigraphic case studies from the Roman world. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2023. Pp. xii, 323. ISBN 9781789259650.

Hajdu, Péter. Modern Hungarian culture and the classics. Classical diaspora. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. Pp. 232. ISBN 9781350258129.

Hanson, William S., Richard E. Jones, Nick Hannon. Exploring the Antonine Wall with terrestrial remote sensing. Roman frontier studies. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2024. Pp. 256. ISBN 9781803278018.

Haysom, Matthew, Maria Mili, Jenny Wallensten. The stuff of the gods. The material aspects of religion in ancient Greece. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen/Acta Instituti Atheniensis Regni Sueciae 4.59. Stockholm: Svenska Institutet i Athen, 2024. Pp. 248. ISBN 9789179160685.

Ioannidopoulos, Grégory. La questure. Histoire d’une magistrature de la République romaine (264–27 av. J.-C.). Liège: Presses universitaires de Liège, 2024. Pp. 824. ISBN 9782875624208.

Laflı, Ergün, Gülseren Kan Şahin. Unguentaria and related vessels in the Mediterranean from the early Hellenistic to the early Byzantine period. BAR international series, 3165. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2024. Pp. xvi, 319. ISBN 9781407360638.

Laird, Andrew. Aztec Latin: Renaissance learning and Nahuatl traditions in early colonial Mexico. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. Pp. xvii, 465. ISBN 9780197586358.

Launaro, Alessandro. Roman urbanism in Italy: recent discoveries and new directions. University of Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology monographs. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2023. Pp. 280. ISBN 9798888570364.

Loizelet, Guillaume. Traditions du Livre des hypothèses. Ordonner et mesurer les astres de Ptolémée à al-Bīrūnī (IIe-XIe siècles). Histoire et philosophie des sciences, 31. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2024. Pp. 553. ISBN 9782406171379.

Lombardo, Stanley, Melina McClure. Ovid. Heroides. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2024. Pp. 188. ISBN 9781647921897.

Longobardi, Concetta. Poetica spolia. Il reimpiego del testo dei poeti nei generi letterari della tarda latinità. Polymnia. Trieste: Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2024. Pp. 330. ISBN 9788855115223.

Lungu, Vasilica, Adrian Robu. Pratiques cultuelles et dynamiques religieuses entre le Pont-Euxin et la mer Égée dans l’Antiquité: actes de la session organisée dans le cadre du XIIe Congrès international d’études sud-est européennes, Bucarest, 2-6 septembre 2019. Bibliothèque de l’Institut d’études sud-est européennes, 19. Brăila: Editura Istros a Muzeului Brăilei “Carol I”, 2022. Pp. 326. ISBN 9786066544962.

Maggio, Alessandro. Ricerche su Difilo di Sinope. Polymnia. Trieste: Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2023. Pp. xii, 476. ISBN 9788855113823.

Martelli, Francesca K.A. Souvenirs of Cicero: shaping memory in the Epistulae ad Familiares. New York: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. 256. ISBN 9780197761960.

Menozzi, Oliva. From Safin to Roman: cultural change and hybridization in central Adriatic Italy. Reports, excavations and studies of the Archaeological Unit of the University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, 3. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2024. Pp. 604. ISBN 9781803274577.

Merletto, Antonella Patricia. Public toilets (foricae) and sanitation in the ancient Roman world: case studies in Greece and North Africa. BAR international series, 3131. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2023. Pp. xix, 288. ISBN 9781407360454.

Moles, Anna C. Urbanism and its impact on human health: a long-term study at Knossos, Crete. BAR international series, 3130. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2023. Pp. xxxi, 274. ISBN 9781407360355.

Mugnai, Niccolò. Architectures of the Roman world: models, agency, reception. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2023. Pp. 256. ISBN 9781789259940.

Naso, Alessandro, Silvia Alaura, Laura Ambrosini, Marco Bonechi. Amber for Artemis: amber finds from the Artemision at Ephesos. Forschungen in Ephesos. Wien: Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2024. Pp. 273. ISBN 9783700192824.

Nielsen, Thomas Heine. Use and abuse of the ancient Olympics by the classical Greek city-states. Nikephoros-Beihefte, 23. Hildesheim: Weidmann, 2024. Pp. 162. ISBN 783615004687.

Nobili, Cecilia. Voci di donne nell’epica: personaggi e modelli poetici femminili nell’Iliade e nell’Odissea. Lingue e letterature Carocci. Rome: Carocci Editore, 2023. Pp. 156. ISBN 9788829020874.

Norman, Camilla. People of ancient Daunia: voicing the statue-stelae. Monographs, 85. Los Angeles: The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, 2023. Pp. 446. ISBN 9781950446469.

Paoli, Caterina. Greek tragedy in 20th-century Italian literature: translations by Camillo Sbarbaro and Giovanna Bemporad. Bloomsbury studies in classical reception. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. Pp. x, 238. ISBN 9781350186163.

Piccioni, Aura, Roland Schwab. Römische Grossbronzen am Limes: Fragmente im raetischen Raum. BAR international series, 3133. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2023. Pp. xxx, 286. ISBN 9781407314990.

Roberts, Deborah. Aeschylus. Persians. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2024. Pp. 120. ISBN 9781647921804.

Rönnlund, Robin. The cities of the plain: urbanism in ancient Western Thessaly. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2023. Pp. vi, 180. ISBN 9781789259926.

Scheuer, Hans Jürgen. Der urbane Trickster: Eine vormoderne Figur zwischen elementarem Weltwissen und religiöser Intelligenz. Basel; Berlin: Schwabe Verlag, 2024. Pp. 360. ISBN 9783757401375.

Smolin, Nathan Israel. Christ the emperor: Christian theology and the Roman emperor in the fourth century AD. Oxford studies in late antiquity. New York: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. ix, 378 pages. ISBN 9780197689547.

Sourlas, Ilias. Συντομογραφίες και σύμβολα στους αρχαίους ελληνικούς παπύρους. Από την πρώιμη πτολεμαϊκή εποχή έως το τέλος της ρωμαϊκής περιόδου [Abbreviations and symbols in Greek papyri. From the early Ptolemaic era to the end of the Roman period]. Athens: Scriptio Continua, 2023. Pp. 648. ISBN 9786188701403.

Steele, Philippa M. Exploring writing systems and practices in the Bronze Age Aegean. Contexts and relations between early writing systems, 7. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2023. Pp. 192. ISBN 9781789259018.

Steiner, Margreet L., Eveline J. van der Steen, Noor Mulder-Hymans, Jeanette Boertien. A village from the Roman and Islamic periods in the Eastern Jordan valley: excavations at Tell Abu Sarbut, 2012-2015. BAR international series, 3155. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2023. Pp. xv, 134. ISBN 9781407361055.

Wright, Matthew. Euripides and quotation culture. Classical literature and society. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024. Pp. 224. ISBN 9781350441170.

Yardley, J.C., Dexter Hoyos. Justin. Epitome of Pompeius Trogus. Volumes I-II. Loeb classical library, 557-558. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2024. Pp. viii, 409. ISBN 9780674997608.

Zhao, Jingyi Jenny. Aristotle and Xunzi on shame, moral education, and the good life. Emotions of the past. New York: Oxford University Press, 2024. Pp. xiii, 178. ISBN 9780197773161.