As authors of A Horace Workbook, we would like to offer a very brief response to the review of our book by John Aveline. We thank the reviewer for alerting us to his difficulty in finding the word “in(n)uleus” in our Vocabulary. It was automatically “alphabetized” out of place because of the “n” in parentheses. In the next printing it will be moved to its correct spot. Further, we would like to make clear that our Latin to English Vocabulary is complete, i.e., it contains every Latin word from the poems on the AP Horace syllabus. Future printings will include the word “complete” in the Table of Contents and in the heading of the Vocabulary. Finally, Ancona’s “original workbook” was in fact a textbook (1999, 2nd ed., 2005), not a workbook. We did not want readers to think there was another Horace workbook by Ancona alone.
BMCR 2007.09.25