BMCR 2005.04.08

BMCR Books Received (March)

Aitken, Ellen Bradshaw, and Jennifer K. Berenson Maclean (edd.), Philostratus’s Heroikos. Religion and Cultural Identity in the Third Century C.E. In the series ‘Writings from the Greco-Roman World.’ Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2004. Pp. 452. $49.95 (pb). ISBN 1-58983-091-1.

Albl, Martin C. (trans.), Pseudo-Gregory of Nyssa. Testimonies against the Jews. In the series ‘Writings from the Greco-Roman World.’ Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2004. Pp. xxx, 172. $23.95 (pb). ISBN 1-58983-092-X.

Arieti, James A., Philosophy in the Ancient World. An Introduction. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005. Pp. 416. $28.95 (pb). ISBN 0-7425-3329-8.

Aronadio, Francesco, Un colloquio di Heidegger con Eraclito. Logos (Heraklit Fr. 50). Quaderni di Filosofia, 3. Napoli: Bibliopolis, 2004. Pp. 112. €15.00 (pb). ISBN 88-7088-465-1.

Augé, Christian, et al., Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum. Vol. I. Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2005. Pp. 634; ills. $225.00. ISBN 0-89236-788-1.

Bagnall, Roger S., and Dominic W. Rathbone (edd.), Egypt from Alexander to the Early Christians. An Archaeological and Historical Guide. Los Angeles: Getty Publications, 2005. Pp. 352; ills. 182. $39.95. ISBN 0-89236-796-2.

Bastianini, Guido, et al. (edd.), Commentaria et lexica graeca in papyris reperta (CLGP). Pars I: Commentaria et lexica in auctores. Vol. 1. Fasc. 1: Aeschines – Alcaeus. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2004. Pp. 246. €138.00. €118.00 (pre-publication, April 30, 2005, price) ISBN 3-598-73043-8.

Bencivenni, Alice, Progetti di riforme costituzionali nelle epigrafi greche dei secoli IV-II a.C. Tarsie, 1. Bologna: Lo Scarabeo Editrice, 2003. Pp. 448. €40.00 (pb). ISBN 88-8478-053-5.

Berrens, Stephan, Sonnenkult und Kaisertum von den Severern bis zu Constantin I. (193-337 n. Chr.). Historia Einzelschriften, 185. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004. Pp. 282; pls. 2. €44.00 (pb). ISBN 3-515-08575-0.

Black, Jeremy, et al. (trans.), The Literature of Ancient Sumer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Pp. 372. $120.00. ISBN 0-19-926311-6.

Blösel, Wolfgang, Themistokles bei Herodot: Spiegel Athens im fünften Jahrhundert. Studien zur Geschichte und historiographischen Konstruktion des griechischen Freiheitskampfes 480 v. Chr. Historia Einzelschriften, 183. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004. Pp. 422. €76.00. ISBN 3-515-08533-5.

Bumke, Helga, Statuarische Gruppen in der frühen griechischen Kunst. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Ergänzungsheft 32. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2004. Pp. vi, 204; pls. 36. €74.00. ISBN 3-11-018179-7.

Burrell, Barbara, Neokoroi. Greek Cities and Roman Emperors. Cincinnati Classical Studies. New Series 9. Leiden: Brill, 2004. Pp. 422; figs. 197. $173.00. ISBN 90-04-12578-7.

Buzi, Paola, Titoli e autori nella tradizione copta. Studio storico e tipologico. Biblioteca degli ‘Studi di egittologia e di papirologia’, 2. Pisa: Giardini Editori e Stampatori in Pisa, 2005. Pp. 131. €120.00 (pb). ISBN 88-427-1303-1.

Cairns, D.L., and R.A. Knox (edd.), Law, Rhetoric, and Comedy in Classical Athens. Essays in Honour of Douglas M. MacDowell. Swansea: The Classical Press of Wales, 2004. Pp. 296. $69.50. ISBN 0-9543845-5-5.

Calame, Claude (ed.), Poétique d’Aristophane et langue d’Euripide en dialogue. Lausanne: Études de Lettres (distributed by Les Belles Lettres, Paris), 2004. Pp. 138. €18.00 (pb). ISBN 2-940331-06-5.

Callot, Olivier, Salamine de Chypre XVI: Les monnaies. Fouilles de la ville 1964-1974. Mission Française de Salamine. Paris: De Boccard, 2004. Pp. 219; figs. 44. €45.00 (pb). ISBN 2-903264-95-3.

Cantarella, Eva (ed.), Dike. Rivista di storia del diritto greco ed ellenistico. 5 (2002). Milano: Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2002. Pp. 262. Subscription: €27.00 (Italy); €36.00 (Europe); €45.00 (other countries). ISSN 1128-8221.

Cantarella, Eva, et al., Scritti in ricordo di Barbara Bonfiglio. Università degli Studi di Milano. Facoltà di Giurisprudenza. Pubblicazioni dell’istituto di diritto romano, 39. Milano: Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore, 2004. Pp. 418. €32.00 (pb). ISBN 88-14-10778-5.

Chaniotis, Angelos, War in the Hellenistic World. Series “Ancient World at War”. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. Pp. 308. $27.95 (pb). ISBN 0-631-22608-7.

Chappell, Timothy, Reading Plato’s Theaetetus. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2005. Pp. 248. $16.95 (pb). ISBN 0-87220-760-9.

Cherry, John F., Despina Margomenou, and Lauren E. Talalay (edd.), Prehistorians Round the Pond. Reflections on Aegean Prehistory as a Discipline. Papers Presented at a Workshop held in the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, March 14-16, 2003. Ann Arbor: Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan, 2005. Pp. 179; figs. 30, tables 11. $19.95 (pb). ISBN 0-9741873-1-3.

Conroy, Diana Wood, The Fabric of the Ancient Theatre. Excavation Journals from Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean. Lefkosia, Cyprus: Moufflon Publications, 2004. Pp. 394; ills. 13. ISBN 9963-642-14-4.

De Miro, Ernesto (ed.), Sicilia Antiqua. An International Journal of Archaeology. 1 (2004) Pisa/Roma: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2005. Pp. 170. Subscription: Italy: €60.00 (individuals); €90.00 (institutions); Abroad: €90.00 (individuals); €120.00 (institutions). ISSN 1724-9112.

Di Marco, Massimo, Bruna M. Palumbo, and Emanuele Lelli (edd.), Posidippo e gli altri. Il poeta, il genere, il contesto culturale e letterario. Atti dell’incontro di studio, Roma, 14-15 maggio 2004. Appunti Romani di Filologia, VI (2004). Pisa/Roma: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2005. Pp. 238. €55.00 (pb). ISBN 88-8147-402-6.

Dmitriev, Sviatoslav, City Government in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. 428. $74.00. ISBN 0-19-517042-3.

Ernest, James D., The Bible in Athanasius of Alexandria. The Bible in Ancient Christianity, 2. Leiden: Brill, 2004. Pp. 482. $190.00. ISBN 0-391-04176-2.

Gärtner, Ursula, Quintus Smyrnaeus und die Aeneis. Zur Nachwirkung Vergils in der griechischen Literatur der Kaiserzeit. Zetemata, Heft 123. München: C.H. Beck, 2005. Pp. 320. €68.00 (pb). ISBN 3-406-53133-4.

Golder, Herbert (ed.), Arion. Winter 2005. Third series 12.3. Boston: Boston University, 2005. Pp. 200. $9.50 (pb). ISSN 0095-5809.

Grennan, Eamon, and Rachel Kitzinger (trans.), Sophocles. Oedipus at Colonus. The Greek Tragedy in New Translations. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. 122. $10.95 (pb). ISBN 0-19-513504-0.

Hempel, Karl Gerhard, Die Nekropole von Tarent im 2. und 1. Jahrhundert v.Chr. Studien zur materiellen Kultur. With an Italian translation of the main text. Taranto: Scorpione Editrice, 2001. Pp. 314; ills. €77.47 (pb). ISBN 88-8099-101-9.

Keay, Simon, and Stephanie Moser (edd.), Greek Art in View. Studies in Honour of Brian Sparkes. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2004. Pp. 172. $55.00. ISBN 1-84217-137-2.

Lesaffer, Randall (ed.), Peace Treaties and International Law in European History. From the Late Middle Ages to World War One. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Pp. 481. $130.00. ISBN 0-521-82724-8.

Lombardo, Stanley (trans.), Virgil. Aeneid. Introduction by W.R. Johnson. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2005. Pp. 432. $9.95 (pb). ISBN 0-87220-731-5.

Martindale, Charles, Latin Poetry and the Judgement of Taste. An Essay iin Aesthetics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. 265. $99.00. ISBN 0-19-924040-X.

Mensch, Pamela, and James Romm (trans.), Alexander the Great. Selections from Arrian, Diodorus, Plutarch, and Quintus Curtius. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2005. Pp. 224. $9.95 (pb). ISBN 0-87220-727-7.

Merkelbach, Reinhold, and Josef Stauber (edd.), Steinepigramme aus dem griechischen Osten. Band 4: Die Südküste Kleinasiens, Syrien und Palaestina. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2002. Pp. xvi, 471; ills. €139.00. ISBN 3-598-73007-1.

Moreschini, C. (ed.), Boethius. De consolatione philosophiae. Opuscula theologica. Bibliotheca Teubneriana. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2005. Pp. 263. €76.00. ISBN 3-598-71278-2.

Narducci, Emanuele, Sergio Audano, and Luca Fezzi (edd.), Aspetti dalla Fortuna dell’Antico nella Cultura Europea. Atti della prima giornata di studi, Sestri Levante, 26 marzo 2004. Testi e studi di cultura classica, 35. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2005. Pp. 207. €15.00 (pb). ISBN 88-467-1178-5.

Nisse, Ruth, Defining Acts. Drama and the Politics of Interpretation in Late Medieval England. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2005. Pp. 232. $23.00 (pb). ISBN 0-268-03602-0.

Parker, Geoffrey, Sovereign City. The City-State through History. Series ‘Globalities’. Published by Reaktion Books. Distributed by the University of Chicago Press, 2005. Pp. 352. $39.00. ISBN 1-86189-219-5.

Perry, Ellen, The Aesthetics of Emulation in the Visual Arts of Ancient Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Pp. 208. $75.00. ISBN 0-521-83165-2.

Perutelli, Alessandro, Prolegomeni a Sisenna. Testi e studi di cultura classica, 27. Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2004. Pp. 140. €13.00 (pb). ISBN 88-467-0978-0.

Petriaggi, Roberto (ed.), Archaeologia maritima mediterranea. An International Journal on Underwater Archaeology. 1 (2004). Pisa/Roma: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2005. Pp. 215. Subscription: Italy: €45.00 (individuals); €65.00 (institutions); Abroad: €65.00 (individuals); €95.00 (institutions). ISSN 1724-6091.

Pfeiffer, Stefan, Das Dekret von Kanopos (238 v. Chr.). Kommentar und historische Auswertung. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Beiheft 18. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2004. Pp. 386. €98.00. ISBN 3-598-77593-8.

Pontani, Filippomaria, Sguardi su Ulisse. La tradizione esegetica greca all’Odissea. Sussidi eruditi, 63. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2005. Pp. 600. €68.00 (pb). ISBN 88-8498-192-1.

Pradeau, Jean-François, and Francesco Fronterotta (trans.), Platon. Hippias majeur. Hippias mineur. GF Flammarion. Paris: Éditions Flammarion, 2005. Pp. 266. €7.60 (pb). ISBN 2-08-070870-8.

Reardon, B.P. (ed.), Chariton. De Callirhoe narrationes amatoriae. Bibliotheca Teubneriana. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2004. Pp. 150. €80.00. ISBN 3-598-71277-4.

Rollinger, Robert, and Christoph Ulf (edd.), Commerce and Monetary Systems in the Ancient World: Means of Transmission and Cultural Interaction. Melammu Symposia V. Oriens et Occidens, 6. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004. Pp. 561. €60.00. ISBN 3-515-08379-0.

Schoder, Raymond V., and Vincent C. Horrigan, A Reading Course in Homeric Greek. Book 1. Newly revised and with additional materials by Leslie Collins Edwards. Newburyport, MA: Focus, 2005. Pp. 448. $39.95. ISBN 1-58510-175-3.

Schreiner, Peter (ed.), Byzantinische Zeitschrift. Bibliographie. Edition 2: 83 (1990) – 94 (2001), Suppl. I-III. CD-Rom-Edition. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2004. €259.00. €205.00 (subscribers). Also available for network (LAN) use. ISBN 3-598-40737-8.

Seidensticker, Bernd, Über das Vergnügen an tragischen Gegenständen. Studien zum antiken Drama. Edited by Jens Holzhausen. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2005. Pp. 454. €96.00. ISBN 3-598-73024-1.

Slavova, Mirena, Phonology of the Greek Inscriptions in Bulgaria. Palingenesia, 83. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004. Pp. 149. €38.00. ISBN 3-515-08598-X.

Squillace, Giuseppe, Βασιλεῖς ἢ τύραννοι. Filippo II e Alessandro Magno tra opposizione e consenso. Società Antiche, 6. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino Editore, 2004. Pp. 234. €13.00 (pb). ISBN 88-498-0892-5.

Stirling, Lea M., The Learned Collector. Mythological Statuettes and Classical Taste iin Late Antique Gaul. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2005. Pp. 320. $75.00. ISBN 0-472-11433-6.

Stock, Christian (ed.), Sergius (ps.-Cassiodorus). Commentarium de oratione et de octo partibus orationis artis secundae Donati. Überlieferung, Text und Kommentar. Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Commentare. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2005. Pp. 439. €110.00. ISBN 3-598-73023-3.

Stolba, Vladimir, and Lise Hannestad (edd.), Chronologies of the Black Sea Area in the Period c. 400-100 BC. Black Sea Studies, 3. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2005. Pp. 338; ills. DKK 278.00/$46.00. ISBN 87-7934-132-2.

Yon, Marguerite, Kition dans les textes. Testimonia littéraires et épigraphiques et Corpus des inscriptions. Publications de la Mission Archéologique Française de Kition-Bamboula, V. Paris: adpf – Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 2004. Pp. 380. €44.00 (pb). ISBN 2-86538-292-3.