BMCR 2001.09.11

Books Received

August Books Received

Titles marked by an asterisk (or listed at the end) are available for review. Qualified volunteers should indicate their interest by REPLY to this message, stating their qualifications (both in the sense of degrees held and in the sense of experience in the field concerned) and explaining any previous relationship with the author.

δική : Revista di storia del diritto greco ed ellenistico 3/2000. Università Degli Studi di Milano, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza. Milano: Edizioni Universitarie de Lettere Economia Diritto, 2000. Pp. 227

Argos 24/2000: Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Estudios Clásicos, julio 2001. Buenos Aires: Gráfica General Belgrano, 2001. Pp. 240

Alcock, Susan E., John F. Cherry & Jas Elsner, eds., Pausanias: Travel and Memory in Roman Greece. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. 392. $65.00. ISBN 0-19-512816-8.

*Alföldy, Géza and Silvio Panciera, eds., Inschriftliche Denkmäler als Medien der Selbstdarstellung in der römischen Welt. Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, 2001. Pp. 229. ISBN 0930-1208.

*Ambler, Wayne (trans.), Xenophon: The Education of Cyrus. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001. Pp. x + 304. $19.95 (pb). ISBN 0-8014-8750-1.

*Arnason, Johann P. and Peter Murphy, eds., Agon, Logos, Polis: The Greek Achievement and its aftermath. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001. Pp. 255. DM 86.05 (pb). ISBN 3-515-07747-2.

*Baltzly, Dirk, Dougal Blyth and Harold Tarrant, eds., Power and Pleasure, Virtues and Vices Prudentia Supplement 2001. West Harbour, New Zealand: Polygraphia Ltd., 2001. Pp. xiii + 386. $22.50. ISBN 0-9582211-5-4.

*Bechtle, Gerald and Dominic J. O’Meara, eds., La Philosophie des Mathématiques de l’Antiquité Tardive. Fribourg: Editions Universitaires Fribourg Suisse, 2000. Pp. viii, 242. ISBN 2-8271-0871-2.

*Bettini, Maurizio, Classical Indiscretions: A millenial enquiry into the state of the classics. London: Duckworth, 2001. Translated from the 1995 edition I classici nell’ età dell’indiscrezione by John McManamon. Pp. 160. L 12.99 (pb). ISBN 0-7156-2970-0.

Bodel, John ed., Epigraphic Evidence: Ancient History from Inscriptions. New York: Routledge, 2001. Pp. xxvi + 246. $75.00. ISBN 0-415-11623-6.

*Capra, Andrea, ed., ἀγὼν λόγων : Il Protagora di Platone tra eristica e commedia. Università degli Studi di Milano, Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Milano: Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2001. Pp. 237. Lire 44.000. ISBN 88-7916-149-0.

*Carson, Anne (trans.) and Michael Shaw (comm.), Sophocles’ Electra. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. 127. (pb). ISBN 0-19-504960-8.

*Cerri, Giovanni, ed., La Letteratura Pseudepigrafa Nella Cultura Greca e Romana. Atti di un Incontro di studi Napoli, 15-17 gennaio 1998. Napoli: Instituto Universitario Orientale, 2000. Pp 543. (pb) ISBN 1128-7209.

Davies, Malcolm, The Greek Epic Cycle. London: Bristol Classical Press, 2001. Reprint of 1989 ed. Pp. viii + 93. $15.95 (pb

*Dixon, Suzanne ed., Childhood, Class and Kin in the Roman World. New York: Routledge, 2001. Pp. xvi + 282. $80.00. ISBN 0-415-23578-2.

Engels, Donald, Classical Cats: The rise and fall of the Sacred Cat. New York: Routledge, 2001. Reprint of the 1999 edition. Pp. xii + 227. $21.95 (pb). ISBN 0-415-26162-7.

*Esposito, Paolo and Luciano Nicastri, eds., Interpretare Lucano, Miscellanea Di Studi. Università Degli Studi Di Salerno, Quaderni Del Dipartimento Di Scienze Dell’ Antichità. Napoli: Arte Tipographica, 1999. Pp. 504. Lire 70.000 (pb).

Georg, Bernhard, Exegetische und schmückende Eindichtungen im ersten Properzbuch. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2001. Pp. 211. $48.00. ISBN 3-506-79067-6.

Goldhill, Simon ed., Being Greek Under Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. viii + 395. $69.95. ISBN 0-521-66317-2.

Heck, Eberhard and Gudrun Schickler, eds., Lactantius, Göttliche Unterweisungen in Kurzform. Leipzig: K.G. Saur München, 2001. Pp. 190. (pb). DM 79.00. ISBN 3-598-73006-3.

Hinz, Vinko, Nunc Phalaris doctum protulit ecce caput: Antike Phalarislegende und Nachleben der Phalarisbriefe. Leipsig: K.G. Saur, 2001.

*Holloway, R. Ross and Susan S. Lukesh, Ustica I: Archaeologia Transatlantica XIV: The Results of Excavations of the Regione Siciliana Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali ed Ambientali Provincia di Palermo in collaboration with Brown University in 1990 and 1991. >. Providence: Center for Old World Archaeology and Art, 1995. Pp. ii + 102. $40.00.

*Holloway, R. Ross and Susan S. Lukesh, Ustica II: Archaeologica Transatlantica XIX. Excavations of 1994 and 1999 of the Regione Siciliana Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali ed Ambientali Provincia di Palermo in collaboration with Brown University. Providence: Center for Old World Archaeology and Art, 2001. Pp. 83. $40.00.

Joshel, Sandra R., and Sheila Murnaghan, edd., Women and Slaves in Greco-Roman Culture. New York: Routledge, 2001. Reprint of 1998 ed. Pp. xii + 287. $25.95 (pb). ISBN 0-415-26159-7.

*Kerkhof, Rainer, Dorische Posse, Epicharm und Attische Komödie. Leipzig: K. G. Saur München, 2001. Pp. 194. ISBN 3-598-77696-9.

Laffi, Umberto, ed., Studi di storia romana e di diritto. Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2001. Pp. 722 + 5 black and white plates (pb). Lire 160.000. ISBN 88-87114-70-6.

Le Guen, Brigitte, Les associations de Technites dionysiaques à l’ époque hellénistique. I: Corpus documentaire; II: Synthèse. Etudes d’Archéologie Classique 11-12, Nancy: Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche sur l’Antiquité (ADRA), 2001. Pp.356; 224. ISBN 2-913667-03-1; 2-913667-04-X.

Lefèvre, Eckard, Panaitios’ und Ciceros Pflichtenlehre: Vom philosophischen Traktat zum politischen Lehrbuch. Historia Eingzelschriften 150. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001. Pp.226. DM 84. ISBN 3-515-07820-7.

*Mayer, Roland, ed., Tacitus: Dialogus de Oratoribus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. ix + 227. $59.95. ISBN 0-521-47040-4.

Mayor, Adrienne, The First Fossil Hunters: Paleontology in Greek and Roman Times. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001. Reprint of the 2000 edition. Pp. xx + 361. $17.95 (pb). ISBN 0-691-08977-9.

*McHugh, Heather (trans.) and David Konstan (comm.), Euripides’ Cyclops. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. 77. (pb). ISBN 0-19-514303-5.

*McKirahan, Richard trans., Simplicius: On Aristotle’s Physics 8.6-10. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001. Pp 247. ISBN 0-8014-3787-3.

*Rolfes, Susanne, Die Lateinische Poetik Des Marco Girolamo Vida Und Ihre Rezeption Bei Julius Caesar Scaliger. Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2001. Pp. 304. DM 168.00 ISBN 3-598-77698-5.

Rothaus, Richard M., Corinth: The First City of Greece. An Urban History of Late Antique Cult and Religion. Leiden: Brill, 2000. Pp. x + 173. ISBN 90-04-10922-6. 8/27/2001

Scrivener, Michael, Seditious Allegories: John Thelwall and Jacobin Writing. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001. Pp. xii + 303. $55.00. ISBN 0-271-02109-8.

Sommerstein, Alan (ed.), Aristophanes’ Wealth. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 2001.

*Traunecker, Claude, The Gods of Egypt. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001. Pp. x + 134. $27.95. ISBN 0-8014-3834-9.

*Vorwerk, Matthias, Plotins Schrift “Über Den Geist, Die Ideen Und Das Seiende”, Enneade V 9 [5]. Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2001. Pp. 206. DM 156.00. ISBN 3-598-77694-2.

*Walbridge, John, Wisdom of the Mystic East: Suhrawardi and Platonic Orientalism. New York: State University of New York Press, 2001. Pp. xiii + 170. (pb) ISBN 0-7914-5052-x. 8/4/2001

Whitehorne, John, Cleopatras. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge, 2001. Pp. x + 243. $23.95 (pb). ISBN 0-414-26132-5

Still Available for Review

*Adams, Colin and Ray Laurence, eds., Travel & Geography in the Roman Empire. New York: Routledge, 2001. Pp. x, 224. $75.00. ISBN 0-415-23034-9.

*Arrighetti, Graziano and Mauro Tulli, Letteratura e riflessione sulla letteratura nella cultura classica. Pisa: Giardini Editori, 2001. Pp. 448. (pb). ISBN 88-427-0322-2

*Boedeker, Deborah and David Sider, eds., The New Simonides: Contexts of Praise and Desire. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. $65.00. ISBN 0-19-513767-1.

*Fantuzzi, Marco (trans.); Maria Noussia (comm.), Solone. Frammenti dell’opera poetica. Milano: Biblioteca Universale Rizozzoli, 2001. Pp. 380. L.22.000. ISBN 88-17-86646-6.

*Felmy, Andreas, Die Römische Republik im Geschichtsbild der Spätantike. Berlin:, 2001. Pp. 336. (pb). ISBN 3-89825-209-4.

*Kuefler. Mathew, The Manly Eunuch. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001. Pp. x, 437. $45.00. ISBN 0-226-45739-7.

*Ladewig, Theodor (Ursula Gärtner and Ekkehard Stärk eds.), Schriften zum römischen Drama republikanischer Zeit. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2001. Pp. 281. DM 158.00. ISBN 3-598-77610-1.

*Lepelley, Von Claude, Rom und das Reich in der Hohen Kaiserzeit 44 v. Chr.-260 n. Chr.: Band II Die Regionen das Reiches. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2001. Pp. xv, 529. ISBN 3-598-77449-4

*Susanetti, Davide, trans., Euripide: Alcesti. Venezia: Marsilio, 2001. Pp. 301 (Pb). Lire 30.000. ISBN 88-317-7589-8.

*Thome, Gabriele and Jens Holzhausen (eds.), Lateinische Geschichtsschreibung der Spät- und Nachantike. München/Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2001. Pp. 213. ISBN 3-598-77690-X.

*Mercogliano, Felice, “Actiones ficticiae”. Tipologie e datazione. Camerino: Jovene Editore, 2001. Pp. xix, 159. ISBN 88-243-1386-8.

*Scheidel, Walter (ed.), Debating Roman Demography. Leiden/Boston/Köln: Brill, 2001. Pp. x, 242. ISBN90-0411525-00.

*Tsomis, Georgios, Zusammenschau der frühgriechischen monodischen Melik (Alkaios, Sappho, Anakreon). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001. Pp. 306. ISBN 3-515-07668-9.

On Offer (book will be sent directly from the press)

Susan Deacy, Alexandra Villing (edd.), Athena in the Classical World. Brill, 2001.

Niall Livingstone, A Commentary on Isocrates’ Busiris. Brill, 2001.

Christoph Otte (ed.), Galen, De plenitudine. Serta Graeca vol.9. Reichert, 2001.

James E. Reeson, Ovid Heroides 11, 13 and 14: A Commentary. Brill, 2001.

L. Rossi, The Epigrams Ascribed to Theocritus: A Method of Approach. Peeters, 2001.