BMCR 2018.02.01

Books Received January 2018

This list contains all books and notifications of new books received in the previous month by BMCR. Potential reviewers should not respond to this email, but should use the request form linked here (Books Available for Review). Some books listed in this email may already have been assigned to reviewers.)

Antonetti, Claudia and Stefania De Vido (ed.). Iscrizioni greche: un’antologia. Studi superiori, 1092. Roma: Carocci, 2017. 326 p. €33,00 (pb). ISBN 9788843088249.

Bannert, Herbert and Nicole Kröll (ed.). Nonnus of Panopolis in context II: poetry, religion, and society. Proceedings of the international conference on Nonnus of Panopolis, 26th – 29th September 2013, University of Vienna, Austria. Mnemosyne, supplements, 408. Leiden: Brill, 2017. xviii, 436 p. €121,00. ISBN 9789004341197.

Bénatouïl, Thomas, Jean-Baptiste Gourinat and Michel Narcy (ed.). Platon et la politique. Philosophie antique, 17. Villeneuve: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2017. 233 p. €22,00 (pb). ISBN 9782757418079.

Berrey, Marquis. Hellenistic science at court. Science, technology and medicine in ancient cultures, 5. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017. 274 p. €99,95. ISBN 9783110539776.

Boyd, Barbara Weiden. Ovid’s Homer: authority, repetition, and reception. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. xvii, 301 p. $85.00. ISBN 9780190680046.

Boys-Stones, G. R. Platonist philosophy 80 BC to AD 250: an introduction and collection of sources in translation. Cambridge source books in post- Hellenistic philosophy. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018. xiv, 648 p. £135.00. ISBN 9780521838580.

Brémond, Mathilde. Lectures de Mélissos: Édition, traduction et interprétation des témoignages sur Mélissos de Samos. Studia Praesocratica, 9. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. 608 p. €129,95. ISBN 9783110542882.

Brisson, Luc. Platon: l’écrivain qui inventa la philosophie. Qui es-tu ? Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 2017. 298 p. €15,00 (pb). ISBN 9782204106368.

Brisson, Luc and Olivier Renaut (ed.). Érotique et politique chez Platon: Éros, genre et sexualité dans la cité platonicienne. Academia philosophical studies, 58. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag, 2017. 274 p. €29,50 (pb). ISBN 9783896657251.

Brook, Adriana E. Tragic rites: narrative and ritual in Sophoclean drama. Wisconsin studies in classics. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2018. xi, 237 p. $99.95. ISBN 9780299313807.

Brunn, Christer Edmondson Jonathan (ed.). Oxford handbook of Roman epigraphy. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. xxxvi, 888 p. $185.00 (pb). ISBN 9780190860301.

Burnett, Andrew, Richard Simpson and Deborah Thorpe (ed.). Roman coins, money, and society in Elizabethan England: Sir Thomas Smith’s >On the wages of the Roman footsoldier. Numismatic studies, 36. New York: American Numismatics Society, 2017. xxii, 205 p. $80.00. ISBN 9780897223522.

Chaverdi, Alireza Askari and Pierfrancesco Callieri. Persepolis west (Fars, Iran): report on the field work carried out by the Iranian-Italian joint archaeological mission in 2008-2009. BAR International Series, 2870. 2017. xvi, 293 p. £56.00. ISBN 9781407316086.

Cromwell, Jennifer. Recording village life: a Coptic scribe in early Islamic Egypt. New texts from ancient cultures. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2017. xxiv, 287 p. $90.00. ISBN 9780472139481.

Cucchiarelli, Andrea (trans.). Irene J. F. de Jong. I classici e la narratologia: guida alla lettura degli autori greci e latini. Studi superiori, 1082. Roma: Carocci, 2017. 238 p. €25,00 (pb). ISBN 9788843088201.

Curbera, Jaime (ed.). Inscriptiones Graecae Voluminis 2/3: Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores. Pars 4 Dedicationes et tituli sacri. Fasciculus 2 Dedicationes privatae. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017. vi, 273-599 p., LXXXIX-CLXXII p. of plates. €299,00. ISBN 9783110544190.

Denizot, Camille and Olga Spevak (ed.). Pragmatic approaches to Latin and ancient Greek. Studies in language companion series (SLCS), 190. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2017. xvi, 309 p. €99,00. ISBN 9789027259554.

Diem, Werner (ed.). Glossar zur arabischen Epistolographie nach ägyptischen Originaldokumenten des 7.-16. Jahrhunderts. Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, XXXII. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. 568 p. €149,95. ISBN 9783110556766.

Dimitrova, Miryana. Julius Caesar’s self-created image and Its dramatic afterlife. Bloomsbury Academic studies in classical reception. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. ix, 236 p. $114.00. ISBN 9781474245753.

Dolce, Rita. “Losing one’s head” in the ancient Near East: interpretation and meaning of decapitation. Studies in the history of the ancient Near East. New York: Routledge, 2017. 92 p. $140.00. ISBN 9781138067486.

Emanuel, Jeffrey P. Black ships and sea raiders: the late bronze and early iron age context of Odysseus’ Second Cretan Lie. Greek studies: interdisciplinary approaches. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017. xiii, 219 p. $95.00. ISBN 9781498572217.

Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca and Renate Ludwig (ed.). Die Heidelberger Römersteine: Bildwerke, Architekturteile und Inschriften im Kurpfälzischen Museum Heidelberg. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017. 132 p. €16,00. ISBN 9783825366933.

Fountoulakis, Andreas, Andreas Markantonatos and Georgios Vasilaros (ed.). Theatre world: critical perspectives on Greek tragedy and comedy. Studies in honour of professor Georgia Xanthakis-Karamanos. Trends in classics – supplementary volumes, 45. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. xi, 373 p. €109,95. ISBN 9783110514919.

Fulkerson, Laurel. A literary commentary on the elegies of the Appendix Tibulliana. Pseudepigrapha latina. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. x, 384 p. $115.00. ISBN 9780198759362.

Georgiadou, Aristoula and Katerina Oikonomopoulou (ed.). Space, time and language in Plutarch. Millennium-Studien, 67. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. xiv, 382 p. €109,95. ISBN 9783110537710.

Godard, Louis and Anna Sacconi (ed.). Supplemento al Corpus delle iscrizioni vascolari in lineare B. Biblioteca di Pasiphae. Pisa; Rome: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2017. 224 p. €225,00. ISBN 9788862279482.

Grillo, Luca and Christopher B. Krebs (ed.). The Cambridge companion to the writings of Julius Caesar. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University press, 2018. xiv, 396 p. £24.99 (pb). ISBN 9781107670495.

Grønlund Evers, Kasper. Worlds apart trading together: the organisation of long-distance trade between Rome and India in antiquity. Archaeopress Roman archaeology, 32. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2017. viii, 213 p. £30.00. ISBN 9781784917425.

Gwynn, David M. The Goths: lost civilizations. London: Reaktion Books, 2017. 188 p. £15.00. ISBN 9781780238456.

Hartog, Pieter B. Pesher and Hypomnema: a comparison of two commentary traditions from the Hellenistic-Roman period. Studies on the texts of the desert of Judah, 121. Leiden: Brill, 2017. xv, 356 p. €132,00. ISBN 9789004353541.

Helmrath, Johannes, Eva Marlene Hausteiner and Ulf Jensen (ed.). Antike als Transformation: Konzepte zur Beschreibung kulturellen Wandels. Transformationen der Antike, 49. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. vi, 265 p. €79,95. ISBN 9783110500660.

Hooker, Mischa (trans.). Joh Lydus. On the months: 2nd edition. 2017. xlvii, 228 p.  Hornblower, Simon (trans., comm.). Lycophron: Alexandra. Greek text, translation, commentary, and introduction. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. xxiii, 617 p., [11 p. of plates]. $45.00 (pb). ISBN 9780198810643.

Hunt, Peter. Ancient Greek and Roman slavery. Malden: Wiley Blackwell, 2018. xv, 248 p. $34.95 (pb). ISBN 9781405188067.

Jacobs, Susan G. Plutarch’s pragmatic biographies: lessons for statesmen and generals in the parallel lives. Columbia studies in the classical tradition, 43. Leiden: Brill, 2017. xv, 471 p. €132,00. ISBN 9789004276604.

Kaldellis, Anthony. Genesios on the reigns of the emperors. Byzantina australiensia, 11. Leiden: Brill, 2017. xxx, 154 p. €49,00. ISBN 9780959362695.

Konijnendijk, Roel. Classical Greek tactics: a cultural history. Mnemosyne, supplements, 409. Leiden: Brill, 2017. vi, 261 p. €104,00. ISBN 9789004355361.

Krinzinger, Fritz and Peter Ruggendorfer (ed.). Das Theater von Ephesos: Archäologischer Befund, Funde und Chronologie. Forschungen in Ephesos, II/1. Wien: Verlag der Österreichieschen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2017. xxviii, 540 p., 19 p. of plates. €186,00. ISBN 9783700175902.

Lamari, Anna A. Reperforming Greek tragedy: theater, politics, and cultural mobility in the fifth and fourth centuries BC. Trends in classics – supplementary volumes, 52. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. 207 p. €99,95. ISBN 9783110561166.

Lewis, Sian and Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones. The culture of animals in antiquity: a sourcebook with commentaries. New York: Routledge, 2017. x, 768 p. $225.00. ISBN 9780415817554.

Lintott, A. W. Aristotle’s political philosophy in its historical contexts: a new translation and commentary on Politics books 5 and 6. New York: Routledge, 2017. x, 220 p. $140.00. ISBN 9781138570719.

Lomas, Kathryn. The rise of Rome: from the Iron Age to the Punic Wars. Camrbidge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018. xxii, 405 p. $35.00 (pb). ISBN 9780674659650.

Longfellow, Brenda and Ellen Perry (ed.). Roman artists, patrons, and public consumption: familiar works reconsidered. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, 2017. xiv, 255 p., [16 p. of plates]. $75.00. ISBN 9780472130658.

Maher, Matthew P. The fortifications of Arkadian city states in the Classical and Hellenistic periods. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. xiii, 426 p. $125.00. ISBN 9780198786597.

Malamud, Martha. Rutilius Namatianus’ going home. London; New York: Routledge, 2018. 92 p. $39.95 (pb). ISBN 9780815352709.

Malaspina, Ermanno, Galimberti Biffino and G. Vogt-Spira (ed.). Was ist ein amicus? Überlegungen zu Konzept und praxis der amicitia bei Cicero, Marburg, 18. – 19. Mai 2017. Ciceroniana on line, . 2017. pp. 229-412. ISBN 2532-5353.

Marzullo, Matilde. Spazi sepolti e dimensioni dipinte nelle tombe etrusche di Tarquinia. Tarchna, Supplemento, 7. Milano: Ledizioni, 2017. viii, 242 p. ISBN 9788867055036.

Marzullo, Matilde. Grotte cornetane: materiali e apparato critico per lo studio delle tombe dipinte di Tarquinian. Tarchna, Supplemento, 6. Milano: Ledizioni, 2017. 464 p. ISBN 9788867054848.

Mastronarde, Donald J. Preliminary studies on the scholia to Euripides. California Classical studies, 6. Berkeley: California Classical Studies, 2017. xxix, 246 p. $34.95 (pb). ISBN 9781939926104.

Mayhew, Robert. Theophrastus of Eresus: on Winds. Philosophia antiqua, 147. Leiden: Brill, 2017. x, 374 p. €165,00. ISBN 9789004351820.

McGill, Scott. Juvencus’ four books of the Gospels: Evangeliorum libri quattuor. Routledge later Latin poetry. New York: Routledge, 2018. xii, 308 p. $39.95 (pb). ISBN 9780815352693.

Metcalf, William E. The later Republican cistophori. Numismatic notes and monographs, 170. New York: American Numismatics Society, 2017. 184 p. $75.00. ISBN 9780897223478.

Most, Glenn W. (trans.). André Laks. The concept of presocratic philosophy: its origin, development, and significance. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018. x, 137 p. $29.95. ISBN 9780691175454.

Okoń, Danuta. Album senatorum. Vol. 1, Senatores ab Septimi Severi aetate usque ad Alexandrum Severum (193-235 AD). Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Rozprawy i Studia t., (MXLIV) 970. Szczecin: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2017. 398 p. ISBN 9788379721252.

Papacostas, Tassos and Maria G. Parani (ed.). Discipuli dona ferentes: glimpses of Byzantium in honour of Marlia Mundell Mango. Byzantios, 11. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017. xxx, 486 p. €95,00. ISBN 9782503575858.

Perilli, Lorenzo and Daniela P. Taormina (ed.). Ancient philosophy: a textual and historical introduction. New York: Routledge, 2017. xxi, 806 p. $39.95 (pb). ISBN 9781138668812.

Perrin, Michel-Yves. Civitas confusionis: de la participation des fidèles aux controverses doctrinales dans l’Antiquité tardive (début IIIe s. – c. 430). Paris; Pekin; Philadelphia: Nuvis, 2017. 405 p. €27,00 (pb). ISBN 9782363670328.

Pfeiffer, Helmut, Irene Fantappiè and Tobias Roth (ed.). Renaissance rewritings. Transformationen der Antike, 50. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. vi, 291 p. €79,95. ISBN 9783110522303.

Pommerening, Tanja and Walter Bisang (ed.). Classification from antiquity to modern times: sources, methods, and theories from an interdisciplinary perspective. Berlin; Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2017. viii, 349 p. €99,95. ISBN 9783110536126.

Quandt, Kenneth (trans.). Dixsaut, Monique. Plato-Nietzsche: philosophy the other way. London; Washington, DC: Academica Press, 2018. xii, 316 p. $89.95. ISBN 9781680530483.

Queyrel-Bottineau, Anne and Marie-Rose Guelfucci (ed.). Conseillers et ambassadeurs dans l’Antiquité. DHA, Supplément 17. Besançon: Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2017. 866 p. €49,00 (pb). ISBN 9782848675992.

Quinn, Josephine Crawley. In search of the Phoenicians. Miriam S. Balmuth lectures in ancient history and archaeology. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018. xxvii, 335 p. $35.00. ISBN 9780691175270.

Rashed, Roshdi and Athanase Papadopoulos. Menelaus’ Spherics: early translation and al-Māhānī/al-Harawī’s version. Scientia graeco-arabica, 21. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. xiv, 873 p. €169,95. ISBN 9783110568233.

Reggiani, Nicola. Digital papyrology I: methods, tools and trends. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. viii, 318 p. €89,95. ISBN 9783110538519.

Rheidt, Klaus and Werner Lorenz (ed.). Groß Bauen. Großbaustellen als kulturgeschichtliches Phänomen. Kulturelle und technische Werte historischer Bauten. Basel: Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, 2018. 334 p. €49.96. ISBN 9783035611571.

Roche, Helen and Kyriakos N. Demetriou (ed.). Brill’s companion to the classics, fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Brill’s companions to classical reception, 12. Leiden: Brill, 2017. xiii, 471 p. €182,00. ISBN 9789004299061.

Rovira Guardiola, Rosario. The ancient Mediterranean Sea in modern visual and performing arts: sailing in troubled waters. Imagines – Classical receptions in the visual and performing arts. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. xv, 325 p. $122.00. ISBN 9781474298599.

Serfass, Adam. Views of Rome: a Greek reader. Oklahoma series in Classical culture series, 55. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2018. xv, 316 p. $29.95 (pb). ISBN 9780806157931.

Sideris, Athanasios. Metal vases & utensils in the Vassil Bojkov collection: Achaemenid, Greek, Etruscan, and Thracian. Volume 1. Sofia: Thrace Foundation, 2016. 355 p. $150.00. ISBN 9789549238457.

Sinner, Alejandro G. La ceca de ilduro. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2017. 189 p. £30.00. ISBN 9781784917234.

Sklenár, Robert John. Plant of a strange vine: >oratio corrupta< and the poetics of Senecan tragedy. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 363. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. 107 p. €69,95. ISBN 9783110517729.

Soares Santoprete, Luciana Gabriela and Philippe Hoffmann (ed.). Langage des dieux, langage des démons, langage des hommes dans l’Antiquité. Recherches sur les Rhétoriques Religieuses (RRR), 26. Turnhout: Brepols, 2017. 424 p. €80,00 (pb). ISBN 9782503578972.

Sommer, Michael. Palmyra: a history. Cities of the ancient world. London; New York, NY: Routledge, 2017. 274 p. $150.00. ISBN 9780415720021.

Stuttard, David (ed.). Looking at Antigone. Bloomsbury; London; Oxford; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. x, 247 p. $114.00. ISBN 9781350017115.

Temmerman, Koen de and Evert van Emde Boas (ed.). Characterization in ancient Greek literature. Studies in ancient Greek narrative, 4. Leiden: Brill, 2017. xvi, 705 p. €154,00. ISBN 9789004356306.

Tsagalis, Christos (ed.). Poetry in fragments: studies on the Hesiodic Corpus and its afterlife. Trends in classics – supplementary volumes, 50. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. xxv, 292 p. €109,95. ISBN 9783110536218.

Tsagalis, Christos and Andreas Markantonatos (ed.). The winnowing oar: new perspectives in Homeric studies. Studies in honor of Antonios Rengakos. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. vi, 311 p. €89,95. ISBN 9783110543353.

Tucci, Pier Luigi. The temple of peace in Rome (2 vols.). New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. xx, 1121 p. ISBN 9781107162471; 9781107162549.

Tuckwell, Jason. Creation and the function of art: techné, poiesis, and the problem of aesthetics. Bloomsbury studies in continental philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. $95.99. ISBN 9781350010765.

Ustinova, Yulia. Divine mania: alteration of consciousness in ancient Greece. London; New York: Routledge, 2018. xvi, 395 p. $164.95. ISBN 9781138298118.

Warren, Richard. Art nouveau and the classical tradition. Imagines – Classical receptions in the visual and performing arts. London; Oxford; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. 232 p. $114.00. ISBN 9781474298551.

Welwei, Karl-Wilhelm, Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp and Mischa Meier (ed.). Die griechische Polis: Verfassung und Gesellschaft in archaischer und klassischer Zeit. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2017. xiv, 377 p. €39,00. ISBN 9783515115612.

West, Martin L. (ed.). Homerus. Odyssea. Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana, 2026. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2017. lii, 519 p. €99,95. ISBN 9783110425390.

Wilson, Andrew and Alan K. Bowman (ed.). Trade, commerce, and the state in the Roman world. Oxford studies on the Roman economy. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. xxi, 656 p. $145.00. ISBN 9780198790662.