BMCR 1997.03.09

Books Received Orphan Books

1) Maria Elefante (ed.), Velleius Paterculus Ad M. Vinicium consulem libri duo (Olms 1996)

2) Jens-Uwe Krause, Gefaengnisse im Roemischen Reich (Steiner 1996)

3) Walter Lapini, Il POxy.664 di Eraclide Pontico e la cronologia dei Cipselidi (Florence 1996)

4) B.L. Hijmans Jr. et al., Apuleius Madaurensis Metamorphoses Book IX. Text, Introduction, and Commentary (Groningen 1995)

5) Marco Fantuzzi, Roberto Prestagostini, Struttura e storia dell’esametro greco (Roma 1995-96). two volumes of essays in Italian and English.

6) Angelos Chaniotis, Die Vertraege zwischen kretischen Poleis in der hellenistischen Zeit (Steiner 1996)

7) Ulrich Gotter, Der Diktator ist tot! Politik in Rom zwischen den Iden des Maerz und der Begruendung des Zweiten Triumvirats (Steiner 1996)

8) Lukas Thommen, Lakdedimonion Politeia: die Entstehung der spartanischen Verfassung (Steiner 1996)

9) Mogens Herman Hansen, Kurt Raaflaub (edd.), More Studies in the Ancient Greek Polis (Steiner 1996)

10) Luisa Prandi, Fortuna e Realta dell’Opera di Clitarco (Steiner 1996)

11) Groningen Colloquia on the Novel, Volume VII (Groningen 1996)

12) Donald M. Bailey (ed.), Archaeological Research in Roman Egypt. The Proceedings of the Seventeenth Classical Colloquium of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum (JRA Supplement 19, 1996)

13) David L. Kennedy (ed.), The Roman Army in the East (JRA Supplement 18, 1996)

14) Alastair Small (ed.), Subject and Ruler: The Cult of the Ruling Power in Classical Antiquity (JRA Supplement 17, 1996)